

Datainfrastruktur og -analyse

Oslo, Oslo 6,239 følgere

Industry Reinvented

Om oss

Goodtech is one of the Nordic region's leading system integrators with more than 300 skilled engineers and subject specialists that with their experience and expertise, contribute to making the industry reinvented - every day! Our diverse range of abilities truly embodies our ambition to shape the future of industrial excellence. We are committed to empowering your business in a dynamic and digital world, elevating your competitiveness to new heights. By synergizing our profound process and solution competence with the latest software, technology, and optimization expertise, we pave the way for your success.

Datainfrastruktur og -analyse
201–500 ansatte
Oslo, Oslo
Åpent aksjeselskap
Industrial IT, Industry 4.0, Digitalization, Automation, Water and wastewater treatment, Biogas, Robotics, 3D, VR, Vision, Digitalisering, MES, SCADA, Packaging solutions, Production lines, Laser scanning, Smart industry, Cyber security, CE approval, Project management, HMI, Electrotechnical engineering, System integration


Ansatte i Goodtech


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    Vis profilen til Jørgen Sandvik, grafisk

    The industry's leading, technology-driven transformation partner - Key Account Manager - Goodtech

    Vi i Goodtech inviterer deg til frokost/lunsjseminar hos oss 13. november. Her tar vi for oss hvordan fremtidens teknologi kan forme bedriftens suksess. Dette er en flott mulighet for deg som vil lære hvordan riktige teknologivalg kan sikre bærekraft, lønnsomhet og effektivisering. Vår egen Morten Nielsen vil dele innsikt om hvorfor det er så viktig å tenke langsiktig når det kommer til teknologi, mens Bjørnar Borgen fra Autic System AS vil introdusere deg for fremtidens SCADA-system. I tillegg får du anledning til å se nærmere på våre fasiliteter og hvordan vi jobber med innovasjon i praksis. Dette er en ypperlig sjanse til å møte eksperter og stille spørsmål. Uansett om du er kunde, samarbeidspartner eller bare nysgjerrig på hva som rører seg innen teknologi, er du hjertelig velkommen! Dato: 13. november 2024 Tid: 09:00 – 11:00 Sted: Folke Bernadottes vei 38 Vi gleder oss til å se deg! Meld deg på via denne linken: Bli med og bli inspirert til hvordan du kan ta de rette stegene mot fremtiden! 🙌

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  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Goodtech , grafisk

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    Interested in learning about virtualization of the PLC? Tune in to our latest episode of Goodtalks! 🎧

    Vis profilen til Morten Nielsen, grafisk

    Product Manager DTMA at Goodtech

    🙌 LOVE TO TALK ABOUT TECHNOLOGY DISRUPTION WITH THESE GUYS! 🙌 Two weeks ago we recorded the newest episode of Goodtalks where Shajeevan Panchardcharam and I had a talk with Henrik Pedersen and Tord van Delft from OTee. These guys are really taking a serious approach to the technology disruption and virtual PLCs. We could have talked for many hours. Part 1 of this talk was released today ( and part 2 will be released within the next two weeks. Easy-listening for those of you that understand norwegian. I'm inviting the rest of you to contact me, or our friends in OTee if you want to hear more in English 😉 #goodtalks Goodtech #industry4 #industri4 #virtualPLC #virtuellPLS

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  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Goodtech , grafisk

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    🎧 Ny Episode av "Goodtalks"! 🎧 Virtuell PLS - med gjester fra OTee ( Del 1 av 2) En Programmerbar Logisk Styringsenhet (nor: PLS, eng: PLC) som er virtualisert slik at den kan kjøres på en hvilken som helst datamaskin eller i sky. I denne episoden har vi fått besøk av Henrik Pedersen og Tord van Delft fra OTee, for å diskutere den pågående disrupsjonen innenfor automatisering. Hverdagen vår er i stor grad støttet og påvirket av mange PLS’er eller enkle datamaskiner som styrer automatikk for eksempelvis tuneller, togtrafikk, heiser, ventilasjonsanlegg og fabrikker. Propritære løsninger i industrien har skapt utfordringer for de selskapene som ønsker å utnytte dataene i industri 4.0-verdenen. Hvilken betydning vil virtuelle PLS’er ha i fremtidens industrielle infratrukturer og hvordan kan vi ivareta robustheten til den tradisjonelle, fysiske PLS’en?   Du finner oss der du hører på podcast! 🎙 Shajeevan Panchardcharam & Morten Nielsen #Podcast #Goodtech #DigitalTransformasjon #Industri #Teknologi #Otee

    6. Virtuell PLS - med gjester fra OTee (Del 1 av 2)

    6. Virtuell PLS - med gjester fra OTee (Del 1 av 2)

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Goodtech , grafisk

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    Many of our industrial partners are requesting a way to gauge how far they’ve come in the rapidly changing world of industrial technology and Industry 4.0. Why is this so important?   🏭 New technology like sensors, Internet of Things, data analysis and artificial intelligence collect huge amounts of data and lets you make optimal decisions at the optimal time.   📝 Data collection enables quicker and more accurate work, while increasing the efficiency of the entire production from the shop floor to the top management. This further reduces expenses for your facility.   🤖 The automation brought by Industry 4.0 frees up resources for doing other tasks more efficiently while ensuring precision and uptime, 24/7.   🖥️ Digital twins create the entire factory in the virtual space, giving nondisruptive access to both testing and changes of any part of the facility.   🧑🤝🧑 Last but not least, Industry 4.0 focuses on the people processes of the organization, creating a culture of change, growth, innovation, and technology optimism. Together we’ll be better equipped to handle this rapidly changing technological landscape.   What are you waiting for? Fill out our self-scoring survey via the link below, and answer what you can. It won’t take long. 🏃♂️➡️ Goodtech will contact you and give you feedback, so that you know exactly how your company fares in relation to Industry 4.0. But be quick! This offer only lasts until the end of September ⏱️

    Digital Transformation Maturity Assessment (DTMA)

    Digital Transformation Maturity Assessment (DTMA)

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Goodtech , grafisk

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    Exciting news! Goodtech continues optimization at Vesterålen Marine Oil!🙌 We are pleased to announce that Vesterålen Marine Oil has awarded Goodtech the contract for the completion of their new fish oil factory. This factory, expected to be completed by the 2024/2025 cod season, will be a significant step in Vesterålen Marine Oil's goal of utilizing the entire fish and processing all by-products from the fishing industry.🐟 Goodtech, which has already delivered the first part of the factory, has now been awarded the completion of phase 2. This part of the project has an estimated value of approximately 26 million NOK and is expected to be completed by the first quarter of 2025. We look forward to continuing our partnership and contributing to the success of Vesterålen Marine Oil. #goodtech #partnership #optimization #fishoil

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    Vis profilen til Morten Nielsen, grafisk

    Product Manager DTMA at Goodtech

    💡 DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION STARTS HERE 💡 If you're about to start transforming your business towards a digital ecosystem where you can leverage data and information in the world of industry 4.0, you should start by doing a maturity assessment. We can help you! A DTMA is necessary if you want to be able to find the right path in the landscape of Industry 4.0. Please contact me here on LinkedIn or visit if you want more information. Er dere trygge på at deres neste forbedringsprosjekt er riktig å starte med for din bedrift? For å være sikker på at dere starter i rett ende med deres digitale transformasjon mot utnyttelse av fordelene i industri 4.0 er det nødvendig å starte med en grundig kartlegging gjennom en modenhetsanalyse. Vi hjelper dere med dette! Besøk for mer informasjon eller kontakt meg på LinkedIn Goodtech #dtma #maturityassessment #industry4 #digitaltransformation #uns #unifiednamespace #digitaltransformationmaturityassessment #modenhetsanalyse #digitaltransformasjon

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    Vis organisasjonssiden til Goodtech , grafisk

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    Today, we proudly reveal the new face of Goodtech 🎆🎇 Goodtech is the leading digital transformation partner in the Nordics, with 13 offices across Norway and Sweden. Over the past years, our company has undergone a remarkable change, emerging as a united and cohesive entity – Goodtech. We work closely together across offices and regions to solve the greatest industrial challenges of our time. 🧠💡 Our vibrant culture is not just important to us, but it is also an important aspect of what defines us. Now, the time has come to proudly showcase it to the market! 🙌🏼 People: Our company is our people – and the true source of value to all technological advancements 👩🏻🦰👨🏻🦱 Value creation: Our goal is always to create value for our clients and for ourselves – it is part of our DNA 💰📈 Clear service and solutions offering: How we work and what we do – understandable for everyone and anyone 🌱🦾 Check out our new webpage at:

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Goodtech , grafisk

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    Today, we proudly reveal the new face of Goodtech 🎆🎇 Goodtech is the leading digital transformation partner in the Nordics, with 13 offices across Norway and Sweden. Over the past years, our company has undergone a remarkable change, emerging as a united and cohesive entity – Goodtech. We work closely together across offices and regions to solve the greatest industrial challenges of our time. 🧠💡 Our vibrant culture is not just important to us, but it is also an important aspect of what defines us. Now, the time has come to proudly showcase it to the market! 🙌🏼 People: Our company is our people – and the true source of value to all technological advancements 👩🏻🦰👨🏻🦱 Value creation: Our goal is always to create value for our clients and for ourselves – it is part of our DNA 💰📈 Clear service and solutions offering: How we work and what we do – understandable for everyone and anyone 🌱🦾 Check out our new webpage at:

  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Goodtech , grafisk

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    Yet another offshore wind project! 🦾 We are super-proud that Equinor once again has chosen Goodtech to deliver information technology and control systems solutions to their Empire Wind 1 farm outside New York! The contract is estimated to be around 50 MNOK for Goodtech's scope of work, and will run from now until estimated delivery during the summer of 2026.   We cant wait to get started! 🚀 #OffshoreWind #GoodtechDigital Read more here:

    Equinor choses Goodtech for control and information technology deliveries to Empire Wind

    Equinor choses Goodtech for control and information technology deliveries to Empire Wind

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