Orkla Health

Orkla Health


Healthy living made easier

Om oss

Orkla Health is one of Europe’s leading branded consumer health companies. With a diverse portfolio of products ranging from supplements to wound care, oral care and healthcare solutions, our 1,850 employees serve our customers through a multi-channel set-up in more than 60 markets. In the course of the past 150 years we have established ourselves as a trusted provider of high-quality, science-backed consumer health solutions. Our Orkla Health Export team has a determined sales force with strong product knowledge, close trade relations, category insights and a great focus on salesmanship. We are a team consisting of area managers, marketing specialists, in-house graphic designer and quality & regulatory knowledge. At Orkla Health we have a team of nutritionists and product developers in Norway and Denmark. We also do cooperation with external experts and researchers e.g. on projects related to omega-3, energy and sports nutrition. In regards of quality and regulatory affairs, we follow Orkla’s Food Safety Standard that ensures a high, uniform standard at all our factories.

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    The powerpose for diversity! We do it! Every year, as a part of the weekly celebration of Oslo Pride, The Oslo Pride Business Forum gathers top leaders, academics and minorities to discuss how to create a more diverse and inclusive work environement. Listening to politicians, former UN spokespersons, advisors, strategy directors and not to mention the pride community, is not only a mindopener but also key for learning. How can we create better work aspects for all our employes? What can we do to improve our common culture? The perspectives on minorities, understanding of social mechanisms and the importance of organizations being large and inclusive. Listening to all the stories being shared on stage, it is obvious that inclusion is not only about the structured approach but also about implementing the small things to show you care. Having the back of your colleauge. Showing support. The impact of inclusion can never be under-estimated. Diversity, Inclusion and Equality is important but not only on inclusion weeks: Its important every single day. June is the international month for Pride celebrations, but diversity need to be celebrated everyday. Thats is also why we did the powerpose. It actually came quite natural for Head of sustainability Line Berg Dørum and The Oslo Pride Business Forum presenter Brita Møystad Engseth (a well known TV- and radiopresenter) Thanks for the inspiration: Kimiya Sajjadi, Kjetil Smette, Mathias Holst, Chisom Udeze and Adrian Prent. 💚 💙 💛 🧡 💜 💓

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    Get to know the Jordan toothpick factory - the largest producer of wooden toothpicks in the world (as we know it)! Producing more than 800 million toothpicks a year, the factory has an amazing value chain starting by timber and carpentry workshops. Visiting the factory is actuallt a unique experience with buildings facing the river and a green landscape with forests and farmland. The factory unit has been a part of Jordan Oral Care for decades and many employees have had their daily work here for more than 40 years, building a superadapted factory with tailormade machines for production. Every little detail is planned for and the production process relies on quality in every step. The woodwork for the toothpicks is carefully chosen to ensure the right quality. The factory only use birch trees, as birch has no smell or flavor – it even has the unique asset of being antiseptic! As the timber arrives its being stored to dry in weeks before being cut. Cutting follows a detailed process using up-to-date technology to separate natures malware. Factory Manager Elisabeth Normann deserves big thanks for sharing insight in what is to be describes as a beautiful factory. The millions of toothpicks are being sent to all over the world. With love from Flisa ❤️ #oralcare #dental #jordan #industry

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    Stolt av å være med på plastportalen.no, som er en nettside dedikert til å samle informasjon om bærekraftige plastprosjekter i Norge. Prosjktet er et samarbeid med Bellona, NMBU - Norwegian University of Life Sciences og Enzyclic

    Plastspisende bakterier kombinert med #bioteknologi og nedbrytbar #plast er viktige ingredienser i kampen mot plastproblemet. Det er fokuset til forskningsprosjektet Enzyclic, som lanserte nettsiden plastportalen.no på #Bellonaforum tirsdag denne uken. Platportalen.no samler informasjon om bærekraftige plastprosjekter i Norge - med mål om å være en viktig ressurs for alle som er interessert i plast og bærekraft. – Det er estimert at 3,1 millioner plastprodukter er i bruk i Norge akkurat nå. Alle disse produktene vil bli til #avfall på et tidspunkt i framtiden. Årlig produseres det 540 000 tonn plastavfall i Norge, det tilsvarer 100 kilo plastavfall per person, sier rådgiver LCA i Bellona, Marina Hauser. ➕ Nordmenn er flinke til å pante drikkeflasker, og 93 prosent av panteflaskene blir gjenvunnet. – Det er jo bra. Men hvis vi ser på totalen, altså all plastemballasje i Norge, er det kun 34 prosent som blir gjenvunnet. Det betyr at vi er langt unna EU-kommisjonens mål om 50 prosent gjenvinning innen 2025 og 55 prosent gjenvinning innen 2055, sier Hauser. ➖ På verdensbasis er det kun ni prosent av plastavfallet som resirkuleres. Enzyclic er et samarbeidsprosjekt melloma Miljøstiftelsen Bellona, NMBU - Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aclima - Wool Specialist Since 1939, Norner AS, Emballasjeforeningen og Orkla Health.

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    Norgesplaster AS is one of the world's largest manufacturers of semi-finished products for EKG electrodes, grounding pads, AED electrodes and other medical equipment. 👨⚕️ From a small factory in Vennesla Norway, the company produces customized and self-adhesive products, most of them actually being exported to large countrys like India. From there, our equipment is being used by medical staff in doctor's offices, ambulance services, emergency rooms and hospitals all over the world. 👩⚕️ In Orkla Health this is one of the things we are really proud of, and a great example of how details makes a difference. Details in production descide the quality of ingredients vital to everyone in times of crisis and emergencies. Thanks to this excellent team in Vennesla we have a thigh quality system within production processes, traceability and identification systems, including CE marking. ❤️ Actually, the factory has a history dating back to 1938. The company has existed for more than 80 years and many employees even have a long familyhistory attached to the fascilities. 👨⚕️ The factory produces malleable foam, strips, medical tape, non-wovens, films and fabrics. It a part of our unit Orkla Wound Care, who has a leading position in wound care and first aid equipment in several European markets, with brands such as e.g. Cederroth First Aid, Salvequick and Snøgg. #firstaid #woundcare #norgesplaster

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    On United Nations World Environment Day, we pay tribute to Hold Norge Rents initiative to clean our shores, and follow their encouragement to cleaning along rivers, lakes, beaches, islets, islands, paths, and in urban spaces - preferably near where you live. The earth's resources are under pressure and we share the dedication for clean marine areas. We can all contribute to ensure cleaner waters, and in Orkla Health we are proud of the annual event to clean our local beaches. Every single year since 2019, we have contributed by cleaning up plastic that washes ashore in the Oslo area. The annual Beach Clean Week, organized by Hold Norge Rent, is in fact one of the largest voluntarily national events in Norway. The week, each year being held in September, gathers families with children, groups of friends, students, farmers' associations, the fishing industry, outdoor councils, municipalities, waste companies, and many, many more contribute to a clean and beautiful nature.   We contribute by taking time off from the office to pick up trash, especially plastic, on the beaches near to us. However, reducing the amount of new plastic on the market is maybe even more important and part of our responsibilities as producers. We work to reduce plastic in our products and our packaging, and to the greatest extent possible use recycled material, as well as designing for recyclability.  #UNWorldDays #GenerationRestoration

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    Today is certainly historic. After five years of planning, Vesterålen Marine Oil, could finally inaugurate  their new factory in Northern Norway and the harbour of Myre. The new plant is becoming the most modern production facility in the World for omega 3, with new technology, a more sustainable utilization and increased production volume. The factory has the capacity to receive larger quantities of raw material, and the new technology will  significantly increases the utilization rate of the raw material used in fish oil production. A groundbreaking technology allows for better usage of proteins and will contribute to prevent raw material previously used as animal feed to become a renewed value as high-quality protein. We are honoured that Norwegian Secretary of State, Kristina Hansson (AP) from the Ministry of Trade and Fisheries did the official opening. We have high expectations for this facility, which will  be the main facility for Möller's Tran. Norwegian raw materials are in high demand beyond Norway's borders, and with investments like these, we ensure a strong value chain and more robust business operations. And of course, our honored guests were happy to celebrate with a spoonfull of Môller’s Tran (today already a major export product and is sold in more than 30 markets worldwide). Thanks to Nofima, UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ - NORGES ARKTISKE UNIVERSITET and Innovasjon Norge for support and collaboration. #technology #codliveroil #spoonfulloflife #møllers  

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    Wow. The treasury of nature. During large national campaign periods in China, Orkla Health Asia Pacific invites Chinese influencers to visit Lofoten to experience and share content from the sourcing areas of Möller's Tran, Cod Liver Oil. 💧 The distinctive Nordic nature, pure waters, traditional fishing and freshness quaranteed by the unique Möller's Tran production process has captivated Chinese Family and Health influencers. In may we have again invited a selected group of top Chinese influencers to visit Lofoten as part of our 2024 Møllers Spoonful of Life campaign in China. 💧 China is the second-largest Omega-3 market in the world, and with a population of 1.4 billion people the Omega-3 market is massive and growing rapidly. Despite being new to the Chinese market, Möller's is already making a significant impact and gaining interest as the oldest Omega-3 brand in the world with its unique liquid format. 💧 The influencers are traveling to Norway to develop content for local media channels, and the pictures, videos and articles are gaining massive interest. On previous occasions live streaming attracted over 18 million views and broke sales records. Remarkable initiative form Orkla Health Asia Pacific led by Bjorn Kruizenga, Chloe Zhao, Sihui LI, Anne Valerie Solhaug, Knut Espen Bryhn and Hanne Rølling Nymand. #Mollers #omega3 #codliveroil #health

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    Blisters in the (May) sun 😎   Did you know that 42% of blisters are caused using shoes that we rarely wear?  Once a year the Norwegians dress up in the national costumes Bunad to celebrate the National Day. In this, they also use special shoes that unfortunately also causes blisters. Norgesplaster AS wanted to pay tribute to aching feet, blisters, and the magnificent national costumes – and this year they launched a special campaign. The campaign is not only a display of beautiful garments but also a meeting with our lovely Orkla Health Colleagues, who are modeling the campaign. The campaign is currently running in Norway, but the photoshoot was done in January and here is a glimps behind the sceenes. In the film, you will recognize our fantastic in-house models, Eirill Haflan, Line Berg Dørum, Joakim Nikolai Nilsen, and Niclas Arnesen from Orkla Health, and Miriam Tesfaghiorghis from Orkla Foods Europe. They are truly amazing, and you can tell they had a wonderful day at work. A large team has worked together to realize this project. Norgesplaster are proud to collaborate with Embla bunader AS in this campaign, giving contestants the opportunity to win their own garment. Bunads are considered a symbol of Norwegian cultural heritage and are worn with pride to celebrate their roots and traditions. Many thanks to everyone who has a part in this campaign and lets wish all participants a great celebration on the 17th of May. #Javielsker #plaster #woundcare

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    Congratulations on Möller’s launch in Italy!   Möller’s entered Italy with a big splash in the Cosmofarma Exhibition in Bologna this weekend, a leader event for Health Care in Italy. With Italy being one of the biggest Omega-3 markets in Europe this is an important milestone for Möller’s to establish key international brand position in the region. The Möller’s booth raised a lot of attention from the Italian health care professionals who were eager to learn about the brand and especially appreciated the great taste of Cod liver oil. The booth is based on Möller’s new communication platform “A Spoonful of Life”. Excellent execution of a joint project by Orkla Health International Sales and Marketing team and Möller’s distributor in Italy Difar. Great collaboration by Senior Area Sales Manager Grzegorz Wasik and Trond Vegard Thomassen, International Marketing Specialist Olga Kaczor and Regional brand manager Anna Marija Strumpe for representing Möller’s brand at the fair and supporting the launch. #codliveroil #omega3 #italy #lofoten #orkla

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