Euronext Oslo Børs

Euronext Oslo Børs


The Norwegian stock exchange – part of the Euronext Group

Om oss

Oslo Børs was founded in 1819 and offers the only regulated markets for securities trading in Norway today. The marketplace Oslo Børs is constantly bringing domestic and international investors together with world class issuers in a fully regulated environment. Investor protection and market surveillance combined with attractive products are at the heart of our dedication to offer quality markets to our users. Oslo Børs offers a full product range including equities, derivatives and fixed income instruments. Euronext Oslo Børs is part of the Euronext Group.

51–200 ansatte
Åpent aksjeselskap
Stock Exchange, Listing, Shares, equity certificates, derivatives, fixed income, ETFs, ETNs


Ansatte i Euronext Oslo Børs


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    Velkommen til Euronext Oslo Børs, Haugesund Sparebank! Haugesund Sparebank (Ticker: HGSB), etablert i 1928, er en selvstendig, lokaleid bank som tilbyr finansielle tjenester til både privat- og bedriftskunder. Banken er eid av kunder og lokalt næringsliv, og overskuddet går tilbake til lokalsamfunnet. 🔔 Selskapets markedsverdi på noteringsdagen var estimert til 281 millioner kroner. Dette er den syvende noteringen på Euronext Oslo Børs i år og den 26 noteringen i Euronext. Les pressemeldingen her:

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    🎉 I dag feiret TGS og PGS sin fusjon med frokost og bjelleseremoni på Euronext Oslo Børs. TGS leverer vitenskapelige data og intelligens til selskaper som er aktive i energisektoren. I tillegg til et globalt energidatabibliotek, tilbyr TGS spesialiserte tjenester som avansert prosessering og analyse sammen med skybaserte dataapplikasjoner og løsninger.   Mens begge selskapene har lang fartstid på Oslo Børs, hadde PGS-aksjen sin siste dag på børs 1. juli. I skrivende stund verdsettes det sammenslåtte selskapet til hele 26 milliarder kroner.   Vi gratulerer med en vellykket fusjon!

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  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Euronext Oslo Børs, grafisk

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    🚀🌿 Stay ahead in sustainability reporting and compliance! Join our webinar "Guide to CSRD for listed companies" on 10th of September 2024 from 10 am (CET). Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn from industry experts and get your questions answered. This webinar, organised in partnership with Thommessen, will provide an introduction, the latest news, and a practical approach to CSRD for listed companies. Register now: #Sustainability #CSRD #Euronext #Thommessen #Webinar

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    Welcome to Euronext Oslo Børs, Paratus Energy! Paratus serves as a holding company for a diverse group of energy service companies. The company fully owns Fontis, which operates five jack-up drilling rigs, and holds a 50% stake in the Seabras joint venture with Sapura, which manages a fleet of six multipurpose pipelay support vessels. Additionally, Paratus has a 24% interest in the Oslo-listed oil services company Archer. 🔔 The company’s market capitalisation at open was approximately NOK 10 billion. #listing This is the sixth listing of the year in Oslo and the 23rd listing on Euronext. Read the press release here:

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    I juni har vi markert at det er ti år siden Euronext ble notert på børsen i Paris, og fem år siden Oslo Børs ble en del av denne europeiske gruppe. Fra den spede begynnelse i 2000, da gruppen bestod av børsene i Amsterdam, Brussel og Paris, er Euronext i dag den ledende markedsinfrastrukturen i Europa.   Under deler Stephane Boujnah, Euronext 's administrerende direktør og styreleder, sine mest stolte øyeblikk og milepæler fra de siste ti årene.   Du finner mer informasjon om reisen gjennom 10 år her:    #ThePowerOf10

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    Capsol Technologies ASA (ticker: CAPSL) joined us this morning to celebrate their #uplisting from Euronext Growth Oslo to Euronext Oslo Børs. Congratulations! Capsol Technologies develops and sells carbon capture technology, ensuring safe operations and industry-leading capture costs throughout the carbon capture process. Its post-combustion carbon capture and heat recovery system in one delivers superior efficiency with a proven and safe solvent. Capsol’s technology is licensed either directly to customers or through industrial partners globally. 🔔 The company has a market capitalisation of approximately NOK 973 million. Read the press release here: 📷 Thomas Brun | NTB

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    Welcome to Euronext Oslo Børs, Hermana Holding ASA! This morning we had the pleasure of welcoming Hermana Holding (ticker: HERMA), a spin-off from the petroleum-related legacy business of Magnora ASA (ticker: MGN). Hermana Holding will provide financing within the resource-based Nordic economies and other opportunities in exchange for revenue streams. 🔔 The company’s market capitalisation on the day of the #listing was approximately NOK 376 million. This is the fifth listing of the year in Oslo and the 21st listing on Euronext. Read the press release here: 📷 Thomas Brun | NTB

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    Welcome to Euronext Oslo Børs, Cavendish Hydrogen! Cavendish Hydrogen (ticker: CAVEN) is a spin-off of the fuelling division of Nel Hydrogen. The company specialises in the development, production, marketing, sales and service of equipment for fuelling hydrogen for on-road vehicles and operates globally. The purpose of the spin-off is to create two independent pure-play companies aiming to become market leaders in their respective field. 🔔 The company’s market capitalisation on the day of the #listing was approximately NOK 1.1 billion. This is the fourth listing of the year in Oslo and the 20th listing on @Euronext in 2024. Read the press release here:

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    ⭐ Celebrating new additions to Euronext Tech Leaders! This morning, we hosted a bell ceremony for the annual review of Euronext Tech Leaders. We welcomed Kitron Group, NORBIT ASA, and SmartCraft to the segment, along with other notable companies from across Europe. Launched in 2022, the Euronext Tech Leaders initiative showcases our commitment to supporting technology companies. With over 110 European companies listed on Euronext markets, the segment continues to expand, supported by an index tracking their stocks and a suite of services tailored for both listed and private tech companies. Norway and the Nordic region are emerging as hubs for tech development, fostering a culture of innovation. The region's focus on sustainability and advanced technology is producing companies that are making significant contributions to the global tech landscape. Together with our partners we want to support this development and we look forward to following their journey. Learn more about Euronext Tech Leaders 2024 review: 📷 Thomas Brun | NTB #Euronext #EuronextTechLeaders #Tech #NordicTech

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  • Vis organisasjonssiden til Euronext Oslo Børs, grafisk

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    Today, we are pleased to announce that Oslo Børs has been renamed Euronext Oslo Børs 🎉. Since joining the Euronext Group in June 2019, we have significantly expanded our reach within the European market. Our focus remains on providing exceptional service to companies already listed on our marketplaces, as well as those planning to join us.    As a proud member of the Euronext Group, the leading equity listing venue in Europe, we look forward to continuing our 200+ year journey under our new name, Euronext Oslo Børs. Stay tuned for more updates.  

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