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    Looking to start programming but not sure where to start? 🧐 Python is a fantastic language for beginners, offering endless project possibilities to improve your skills. Whether you're interested in creating simple applications or getting into more complex projects, the learning opportunities are endless. 🎉 Starting with simple projects, you can gain practical experience and confidence in your coding abilities. Experiment with different ideas and see where your creativity takes you! Share your progress and experiences in the comments – we'd love to hear about your Python adventures! 🚀 #education #learning #technology #w3schools #careers #future #innovation #programming #coding 

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    "Code never lies, comments sometimes do." - Ron Jeffries Comments can explain, but they can also mislead if they are not updated. That's why it's so important to write code that is clear and understandable on its own. 🖥️ Good code is like a well-told story. It doesn't need extra explanations to be understood. By focusing on writing clean, self-explanatory code, we make it easier for ourselves and others to maintain and build upon our work. 📈 Remember, the best code is the code that speaks for itself. The practice of writing clear and precise code is a skill that will benefit you throughout your coding journey. 🚀 What are your thoughts on this quote? Share in the comments below. 💬 #education #learning #technology #w3schools #careers #future #innovation #programming #coding 

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    CSS is used on every website that you see on the internet, but do you know what it is? 👀 CSS is the language used to make the style you want your HTML code. You can’t do much with CSS without an HTML document to apply it. 🧩 While an HTML document is like a canvas, CSS is like the paint with endless colors and possibilities. There are no limits to how detailed and advanced you can style your HTML document. By learning CSS, you are not limited to only designing the shapes, sizes, and colors of your elements but also gaining the ability to create on-hover effects and even animate your elements to create unique and exciting user interfaces! 🧑💻 Are you learning CSS at the moment? Tell us about the experience in the comment section 🥳 #education #learning #technology #w3schools #careers #future #innovation #programming #coding 

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    🚀 Ever wonder about the fundamentals of JavaScript variables? JavaScript variables are the building blocks for all your coding adventures. Here’s what you need to know to get started: ✨ Declaring Variables: Use let and const for modern development. let is perfect for variables that need to change, while const is for constants that don’t change. Reserve var for older browser support. ✨ Best Practices: Always declare your variables before using them. This helps prevent errors and keeps your code clean. ✨ Identifiers: Your variable names should be unique. They can contain letters, digits, underscores, and dollar signs. Remember, JavaScript is case sensitive, so myVar and myvar are different. 🧑🏻💻 Understanding these basics will set you up for success in writing efficient and effective JavaScript code. Happy coding and keep exploring! #JavaScript #WebDevelopment #CodingBasics #TechTips #LearnTogether

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    First, solve the problem. Then, write the code. Being a good coder isn't just about writing code. It's about understanding the problem and finding the best solution first. Here are four tips on how to solve the problem before you start coding: 1️⃣ Understand the problem thoroughly: Take your time to read and understand the problem. Ask questions if anything is unclear. It's crucial to have a clear understanding of what needs to be solved before you begin. 2️⃣ Break it down into smaller parts: Divide the problem into smaller, manageable parts. This makes it easier to tackle and can help you see the solution more clearly. 3️⃣ Plan your approach: Think about different ways to solve the problem and choose the best approach. Draw diagrams, write pseudocode, or make a flowchart to visualize the solution. 4️⃣ Test your logic: Before you write any code, walk through your solution manually to ensure it works. This can help you catch any errors or logical flaws early on. ✨ By taking the time to solve the problem first, you'll find that writing the code becomes much easier and more efficient. ✨ Happy coding! 🚀 #w3schools #coding #webdevelopment #code #htmlcss #problemsolving

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    Vis profilen til Thomas Thorsell-Arntsen, grafisk

    CEO @ W3Schools Network

    Just released: A new video in the Python series! 🎉 Learn how to assign values to multiple variables. This is a must watch for anyone thats working on their Python skills. Learning how to assign multiple variables can help you to write cleaner and more readable code. Not at least making you faster and more effective. Check it out on YouTube 👏 #python #learning #w3schools

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    It's time for an exercise ⬇️ 🧩 Use the correct HTML tag to add a heading with the text "London". <p>London is the capital city of England. It is the most populous city in the United Kingdom, with a metropolitan area of over 13 million inhabitants.</p> ------ 💡Hint: Think about the structure of a document. What HTML tag is typically used to denote a heading or title within a section of content? ----- Write the correct answer in the comment section. Good Luck! 💚 #w3schools #coding #code #webdev #development

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