Required Consultation Policies

Required Consultation Policies

ABOR 1-118 Tribal Consultation Policy

ABOR 1-118 Tribal Consultation Policy functions as the highest level of authority, outlining ABOR's expectations and requirements when engaging with Native Nations, by recognizing fundamental principles of tribal sovereignty, consultation, and respect.  ABOR 1-118 B(2)(b) requires that all human and non-human research projects, including both unfunded and funded sponsored projects, UArizona Foundation initiatives, contracts, intra-university agreements, and other instruments related to tribal engagement must be supported by documented evidence of consultation and approval.

National Science Foundation Consultation Policy

The National Science Foundation adopted new tribal consultation requirements, effective May 20, 2024. 


For a letter template of tribal approval/acknowledgement, see:


For an alphabetical list of 574 federally recognized tribes, see:


Click here to find the most current NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PPAG).

Activities Where Documentation of Consultation is Required

Consultation and evidence of consultation is required for any of the following activities:
  • The research or institutional engagement intentionally involves participation by members of a sovereign Tribe or Indigenous community and may foreseeably result in research results with implications specific to a Tribe, Indigenous community, or to individuals as members of the Tribe or community. Note: Such engagement may occur with Native or Indigenous peoples outside the U.S.
  • The research or institutional engagement takes place in Indian Country, or Alaska Native
    homelands, and/or on land under the control or jurisdiction of a sovereign Tribe. Note: Such engagement may occur with Native or Indigenous peoples outside the U.S.
  • Human research is conducted in Indian Health Service (IHS) facilities or involving IHS staff or
    resources. Note: Additional engagement with the IHS, Tribal Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), or other entities may be required.
  • The research involves human subjects, including genetic testing or testing of blood, tissue, or other
    biological materials if the individual's membership in or affiliation with a Tribe is identified, and that
    is intended to or may foreseeably result in conclusions or generalizations about a Tribe or
    individuals as members of the Tribe.
  • Any research or institutional engagement involving human remains, funerary objects, sacred
    objects, or objects of cultural patrimony that are subject to the Native American Graves Protection
    and Repatriation Act.