

One of the most glorious seasons in Jets history also has been one of the most frustrating for linebacker Pepper Johnson. Both could come to an end Sunday when the Jets try to dethrone the Super Bowl champion Broncos in Denver.

Regardless of the outcome, the playoff-tested, mentally-tough Jets will return next season. Johnson may not.

Johnson was relegated to being part of a rotation this season that has him playing middle linebacker in the 4-3, strong side linebacker in the 3-4, but not linebacker on every play. So Johnson, 34, the 13-year pro, said he will talk to Bill Parcells after the season about his role – and his future – with the Jets.

“Definitely I’m going to him and say, ‘Is there a future for Pepper Johnson here or not?'” he said. “Whether I come back into the same situation or if I don’t come back, or if he does not let me come back, that’s later on. I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.”

The bridge is on the horizon. The Jets went through last practice on Long Island this morning before leaving for Denver. The next time Johnson sees his locker he could have one of those big black plastic garbage bags in one hand.

Even should the Jets upset the Broncos, a tough task in the orange insane asylum known as Mile High Stadium, there will be only one more game to play – the Super Bowl. This could be a magnificent way for the Jets defensive captain to finish his career. But Pepper believes he’s far from finished.

He still aches to be an every-down player. He believes, in his passionate soul, that he should be on the field, down-in and down-out, punishing opponents with his 6-3, 259-pound package of power.

But the decisions on this Jets team are made by an equally passionate and opinionated person. Parcells is at the controls of this plane and not even a player he’s navigated through many seasons with the Giants and now Jets, is going to change his thinking.

“Bill’s pretty stubborn, so it’s not really going to change,” said Johnson.Parcells knows Pepper has salt in his wound. He respects Johnson as much as any player he’s coached. But one of the keys to Parcells’ success over the years is his ability to subjugate his personal fondness or dislike for a player in favor of that player’s value to the team.

Johnson already has discussed his displeasure with Parcells this season. Each time Johnson walked out of the coach’s office, he did so with anger in his gut. But ever the professional, Johnson used that ire to help him on the field.