US News


Highlights of Mayor Giuliani’s State of the City Address:

*Suggested building a football stadium adjacent to the Javits Center between 29th and 33rd streets. To complete the “sports corridor,” Madison Square Garden would be moved three blocks west.

*Proposed a voucher program in one community school board district, where the city would pick up the bill for poor parents to send their kids to private and parochial schools.

*Disclosed that Schools Chancellor Rudy Crew will establish a “charter district” in which schools stay open longer each day and later into the year.

*Advocated vouchers so incoming students at City University could choose where to receive remedial education. Threatened to close municipal colleges where the graduation rate is “slipping below 1 percent.”

*Announced that the Yankees and Mets have agreed to allow one another to field minor league teams in Staten Island and Coney Island. A Yankee farm club takes the field in June at the College of Staten Island while new stadiums are constructed.