US News


ALBANY – Former U.S. Sen. Alfonse D’Amato yesterday predicted that Gov. Pataki won’t seek the GOP nomination for president next year and instead will try to snare a vice presidential spot.

D’Amato is a close adviser to Pataki, who just announced a series of national speeches and the creation of two nationally focused political-action committees.

D’Amato said that if Pataki’s message is well-received during his cross-country swing, he could land the GOP vice presidential slot.

“I think if he makes an impact throughout the country and is well-received, he will be viewed as a very serious potential candidate to be on the national ticket,” said D’Amato.

He minimized Pataki’s chances of winning his party’s top spot, though, saying: “I think unless you get immersed in the primary process it’s rather unlikely that anyone could come out as the presidential nominee.”

Asked if he believed Pataki would skip the primaries, D’Amato replied, “I believe that to be the case.”

D’Amato did say there was an outside possibility that Pataki would join the presidential fray if the leading Republican candidates unexpectedly “stumble along the way.”

Pataki has repeatedly refused to discuss specifics of his national political strategy, saying only that he opposes Republican efforts to impeach President Clinton and wants to move the GOP closer to the political mainstream.

Meanwhile, D’Amato again refused to rule out running for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated next year by Democrat Daniel P. Moynihan, although he indicated he wasn’t inclined to make the race.

“It’s an option I’m going to keep open,” said D’Amato, who suffered a defeat to Charles Schumer in November.