US News


U.S. warplanes widened their undeclared war with Saddam Hussein yesterday by attacking Iraqi missile launchers that have been moved into range of ships off the Kuwaiti coast.

American jets, mainly F-14s, F-15s and F/A-18s, have fired on Iraqi anti-aircraft sites and communication links on virtually a daily basis for the past month as Saddam challenged the West’s right to impose two “no-fly” zones over his country.

But yesterday’s half-dozen confrontations included the first time in the recent campaign that the U.S. bombed shore-to-ship missile launchers.

Pentagon officials said the Iraqis had deployed the weapons recently on the al-Faw peninsula on the Persian Gulf, near U.S. Navy ships that have been enforcing the U.N. economic embargo against Iraq since the Gulf War.

The Pentagon said two Navy F/A-18s and two F-14s flying from the USS Carl Vinson dropped precision-guided bombs on the Soviet-era missile launchers in yesterday’s incident.

The damage could not be immediately determined.

A Pentagon official, meanwhile, said Iraq has moved a substantial number of surface-to-air missile launchers out of the “no-fly” zones to central Iraq – apparently to avoid further losses.