US News


MANCHESTER, N.H. – Gov. Pataki yesterday said he is mulling a presidential bid – and quickly got dragged into the race as candidate Pat Buchanan blasted his pro-abortion position.

After meeting privately with New Hampshire’s GOP boss, Pataki admitted he may toss his hat into the ring for the White House in 2000, while charging that people who harp on the abortion issue are trying to divide Republicans.

“Sure, it’s something you think about,” Pataki told a crush of reporters here who asked whether he is considering running for president.

“And it would be unfair of me or misleading of me not to say that.”

Pataki said his leadership abilities and record on cutting taxes, slashing the welfare rolls, and fighting crime deserved national recognition.

“I think governing New York is about as difficult as it gets on the state level, and I seem to have done that pretty well,” Pataki said. “We’ll see what happens.”

Pataki is stumping for two days in New Hampshire – site of the first-in-the-nation presidential primaries, coming in less than a year – to raise political cash, hobnob with Republican honchos, give a speech to the party faithful, and do numerous local TV and radio interviews.

Three-time GOP presidential hopeful Buchanan ripped Pataki for urging Republicans last week to drop the anti-abortion plank from their national platform.

Buchanan vowed to block any attempt by Pataki or others to change the party’s anti-abortion position.

“It will be a pro-life party in the year 2000,” Buchanan told the Manchester Union leader shortly before Pataki’s arrival. “As Joe Namath said on the eve of Super Bowl III, I guarantee it.”

can’s vice presidential nominee next year.