US News


America Online is cooperating with the FBI to turn over any information that could be linked to the Colorado killers.

“AOL is reviewing the content [of Web sites],” spokeswoman Kim McCreery said yesterday.

“At this point we have no knowledge any of the people directly involved posted any kind of warnings.”

The FBI said yesterday it was preparing search warrants for any information on Web sites and member profiles on AOL.

An AOL members site, which has been taken down, was said to belong to one of the two attackers who killed themselves Tuesday.

Eric Harris apparently titled his Web page “REB’s words of wisdom, if you don’t like it, ill [sic] kill you.”

The site was packed with drawings of devils, guns and pyres of skulls – and lines such as: “WHAT I DON’T SAY I DON’T DO.” “WHAT I DON’T DO I DON’T LIKE.” “WHAT I DON’T LIKE I WASTE.”

At the bottom of the AOL page, he listed his favorite chat room: “ich bin ein auslander,” pidgen German for “I am an outsider.”

Internet news groups posted a couple of possible sites linked to the killings. But neither could be accessed yesterday.

McCreery couldn’t comment on what had and hadn’t been taken down and couldn’t say if any removed sites were taken down by AOL or by members.

She also couldn’t specify what content AOL is reviewing: member profiles, Web sites or other content areas.

While surfers looking for the AOL Web site (, reportedly created by Harris, had no luck finding it, the contents were widely posted elsewhere on the Internet.

One news group contributor to alt.true-crime posted a manual on how to make bombs, which was purportedly on Harris’ AOL site last night.

“Pipe bombs are some of the easiest and deadliest way [sic] to kill a group of people … First off we’ll talk about the pipes. Second will be the explosive filler and last will be the shrapnel,” the document reads.