US News


ALBANY – Three new theories on Gov. Pataki’s planned “major political announcement” emerged yesterday as state politicos continued to buzz with speculation.

The leading and most complex of the new scenarios – which originated with a top Pataki aide – has the governor announcing Monday that he’ll run for the U.S. Senate next year.

One source said Pataki is “100 percent convinced” First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton won’t run, and he’ll be able to claim he’s “the one who drove her out.”

The plot in this scenario gets even thicker, with Mayor Giuliani, Pataki’s longtime political nemesis, being forced to pull out of the Senate race because he can’t beat Pataki in a Republican primary.

Then, with Pataki triumphant over Clinton and Giuliani, the governor announces at the end of the year that he’s withdrawing from the Senate race in favor of Long Island U.S. Rep. Rick Lazio.

Lazio, who says he’s seriously considering entering the Senate race, is widely seen in GOP circles as Pataki’s and former U.S. Sen. Alfonse D’Amato’s stop-Giuliani candidate.

Pataki again refused to talk about his announcement.

The two other new Pataki scenarios had the governor:

*Announcing he’ll enter the race for president, not as a “favorite son” candidate from New York, but as a full-blown national contender.

*Announcing he’s backing D’Amato, who was defeated in last November’s election, for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated next year by Democrat Daniel P. Moynihan.

The three new theories come on top of three earlier ones, including the governor’s endorsement of Texas Gov. George W. Bush for president, his announcement of a “favorite son” candidacy, and a decision to mount a full-blown Senate race with a genuine interest in leaving the state for Washington.

Giuliani wouldn’t speculate on what he would do if Pataki runs for the U.S. Senate.

Meanwhile, Staten Island Borough President Guy Molinari stuck by his claim that a Pataki aide threatened him for speaking about the governor’s plans without talking to Pataki first.

“Contrary to statements issued by the governor’s press office this morning, neither I nor my chief-of-staff … is ‘recanting’ the statements made yesterday,” Molinari insisted.