

The cavalry is still off in the distance for the Nets, at least 6-8 weeks away. That’s if it arrives at all in the form of Jayson Williams this season.

The 6-8 weeks represent the time frame the Nets slapped on the next evaluation of Williams, who had so desperately hoped to resume practicing this week. But after a strength test Monday, disappointment, reality and another wait of at least a month and a half have descended on Williams.

“He has a significant strength deficiency in the surgically repaired leg,” explained GM John Nash. “So it would be foolhardy, if not irresponsible, to allow him to practice. As a result we’re just going to work on strengthening the leg in order to allow him to play at a later date.

“Is it possible he won’t [play this season]? Yes, because until he plays, he hasn’t played,” Nash said. “But we all look forward to his return and I really believe he’ll be back at some point this year. It’s kind of foolish when you start 2-15 to talk about playoffs, but it would be irresponsible at this stage not to think that we can be a playoff team. If we get into a playoff drive come April 1 and he’s available, I’d like nothing more than to have him and his toughness available to us.”

But first, Williams has to be able to do other things, such as jump higher than an empty envelop. He has been running and working on his wind, and right now could probably huff and puff his way through a marathon. But going up for a rebound and landing on the right leg which was shattered last April 1 could be a delicate proposition.

Williams suffered a displaced tibial fracture of the right leg in an on-court collision with Stephon Marbury April 1. He underwent a massive surgical procedure the following day when his leg was patched up with a plate and five screws. In September, he also underwent surgery to repair damage he also suffered in his knee. The latest reports are that the knee is healing in impressive fashion but the leg needs more strengthening work so doctors have prescribed a new workout regimen.

“Outside of running, the strength factor was not good,” explained Don Casey, who may have found some help in the form of rookie Evan Eschmeyer, who debuted Tuesday and impressed. “If you could guarantee that every time you would land on two legs, Jayson would be fine. But that’s not the game. So they have to change the rehab around to get more strength work and not just aerobic work. You need strength to play in the game.”

Williams, who gave a full report saying pretty much that his leg had little strength last week, declined to speak with the media yesterday. The last time that happened, George Mikan led the league in scoring.