

PHILADELPHIA – As Todd Zeile drove here with Robin Ventura for last night’s game, Zeile spoke about Philadelphia and where he used to park and go around Veterans Stadium back in ’96.

This marked the first of many trips down memory lane for Zeile.

“This might be the first chance I get to go to all of them,” Zeile said of the eight places he played. “But I still will miss Texas.”

So as everyone sizes up Zeile – who played 28 games at first base that ’96 season as he split time between the Phillies and the Orioles – at his new position, in addition to how he’s handling New York after seven games, it should be remembered that Zeile’s played nearly everywhere before trying to make it in New York and played first base in Philadelphia.

“I’m not sure there is anything that is real preparation for New York,” said GM Steve Phillips, referring to Zeile’s many stops.

Phillips signed Zeile on Dec. 11 using a three-pronged system.

“Talent first, always first,” Phillips said.

Then comes how Zeile would fit into the clubhouse, meaning what type of teammate he is and, last, how they will handle the Big Apple.

So far the 34-year-old Zeile, who is due to earn $18 million over the next three years, is doing OK. Yes, he committed two errors in the first seven games, but this is somewhat expected because he is making the transition across the diamond.

“He is continuing to gain comfort,” said Phillips, who added he’s been more than adequate.

The more-than-adequate thought at first base is subject to discussion and will be for the remaining part of the season. But, ultimately, Zeile will judged on his hitting.

Zeile entered last night at .235, which – to show how the Mets have hit thus far – was best among the team’s regulars.

Zeile came through in his first big spot at Shea in the home opener, hitting a sacrifice fly to right which tied the game with the Padres at one in the seventh. He went on to finish the homestand by hitting .300 with two doubles.

However, the statistical number of concern – yes, it’s still early – is that against right-handed pitching, Zeile batted .154 (2-for-13). The biggest difference, besides in the field, between Zeile and John Olerud is that Olerud bats from the left side, while Zeile hits from the right.

But so far Zeile’s been accepted and he’s accepted New York. When he first came to Philadelphia in ’96, the reception was not as good.

“I started off slow and the media jumped on me a little bit,” Zeile said before adding they came around as he did, hitting .268, 20 homers and 80 RBIs in 134 games.

It’s not a matter of Zeile getting accustomed to Shea, it’s Shea getting accustomed to the new first baseman.

“The first three days, every day I got stopped by the Diamond Club entrance by the guard,” Zeile said. “He asked where I was going. The first day I said, ‘I’m a player. I’m going into play.’ He said, ‘Who are you?’ I told him. The second day, he stopped me again. He said, ‘Can I help you?’ I said, ‘I’m going to go play first base, if you don’t mind?’ He said, ‘Oh, OK.’ The third day, he stopped me again and then he realized like 10 seconds later and said, ‘Oh, sorry, sorry.'”

On top of this, before the home opener, a guard wouldn’t let Zeile, who arrived in a cab, into the Stadium lot. So he got out and walked. The Mets don’t return to Shea until next Tuesday. Zeile might want to bring his baseball card.