US News


Moviemaker Steven Spielberg is to be knighted by Queen Elizabeth next month.

And the honor may come just in time – the new “Star Wars” production is reportedly in trouble, and may need Spielberg to be its knight in shining armor.

The British Embassy announced yesterday that the director of such smashes as “Jaws,” “E.T.,” “Schindler’s List” and “Saving Private Ryan” will be given an honorary knighthood Jan. 29.

“The award recognizes Steven Spielberg’s extraordinary contribution to the entertainment industry and the British film industry over the last 25 years,” the embassy said in a statement.

The U.S. Constitution forbids Americans from accepting official titles of nobility – but an honorary one, which doesn’t include a “Sir,” is OK. It’s also the only way Britain can award the honor to a foreigner. Former Secretary of State Caspar Weinberger is also an honorary knight.

Spielberg’s camp last night said he is “thrilled” by the award.

But the beloved movie man may not get to rest on his laurels for long.

Harry Knowles’ Web site, Ain’t It Cool News, reports that a source at Industrial Light & Magic – “Star Wars” creator George Lucas’ special-effects company – says a recent screening of the rough cut of the series’ next chapter, “Episode II,” went over badly.

“It’s a total shambles! Everyone wants another ‘Empire Strikes Back.’ The team is aware of this, but we’re a long way off,” the source said.

“There are whispers that Spielberg is coming on board to help with the editing and story.”

He added that Lucas and his producer, Rick McCallum, are “stressing” out over a major reworking of the storyline.

“It’s putting deadlines back and makes our work extremely frustrating,” the source continued.

While Lucas is remaining mum on the report, his official Web site,, quotes McCallum as admitting there are problems.

The previous “Star Wars” installment, “Episode I – The Phantom Menace,” released in May 1999, grossed $1 billion in worldwide ticket and video sales, despite being panned by critics.