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New York doctors are deeply divided about a controversial new study that reveals that almost half of all breast-cancer survivors believe their illness was caused by stress.

Researchers from the University of Toronto studied 400 women who’ve been clear of breast cancer for an average of nine years and found that 42 percent believed stress was the key reason they developed the disease.

Two-thirds said having a “positive attitude” had helped keep them free of breast cancer, with 26 percent saying prayer had helped.

New York breast-cancer experts aren’t convinced by the findings.

“There is absolutely no data to prove stress causes breast cancer – having breasts causes breast cancer,” said Dr. Bonnie Reichman, associate professor of clinical medicine at the Weill Cornell Medical Center.

“This study just surveys women’s feelings on breast cancer – and presents no hard data to back their perceptions up.”

But some doctors say there may be some truth to the connection between breast cancer and stress.

“There’s no question that stress affects the immune system in ways we don’t really fully understand,” said Dr. Samuel Kopel, associate director of hematology and oncology at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn.

“Very often, I will notice that a woman who is doing well in remission will suddenly have a major life crisis such as a divorce or family death and within a month the cancer has recurred.”

Only 27 percent thought genetics was a factor, with almost the same number suggesting environmental factors had played a part in causing their cancer.

“The bottom line is we still don’t really know what causes breast cancer or the recurrence of breast cancer,” said Manhattan breast surgeon Peter Pressman, author of “Breast Cancer: The Complete Guide.”

Doctors were particularly alarmed that women who responded to the study held such low opinions of tamoxifen, a key treatment for breast-cancer patients. Only 4 percent identified the drug as important in helping prevent a further occurrence of breast cancer.

“Studies show tamoxifen decreases the chance of recurrence by as much as 30 percent and it decreases the chance of new cancers appearing in the opposite breast by as much as 50 percent,” Reichman said.

In the study, published in the journal Psycho-Oncology, researchers also looked at what the women felt had helped prevent their breast cancer from returning.

About 60 percent said a positive attitude, 50 percent said diet and 40 percent cited a healthy lifestyle and exercise.

Doctors say there is something to be said for the power of a positive attitude.

“People who are optimistic feel better and will often do other things to help make them feel better, such as joining a support group or taking herbal medications to relieve pain,” Kopel said.

But Pressman said the belief that lifestyle changes can help prevent cancer recurrence could ultimately backfire.

“It may give women a boost emotionally because it helps them feel like they have control over the condition,” he said. “But if the disease returns, I worry women will blame themselves, seeing the recurrence of cancer as a personal failure.”