US News


IN A rare moment of hands-on negotiations, Alan Hevesi privately asked his Democratic rivals to join him in attacking an allegedly anti-Semitic editorial in the Amsterdam News.

But all three said no – fearing he was trying to get political cover for racially charged remarks that his former adviser Bruce Teitelbaum made last week.

“We had all already attacked the Amsterdam News editorial, and we thought this was really about giving Alan a pass for Bruce,” said one aide to a Hevesi rival.

On Friday, Hevesi spoke directly to City Council Speaker Peter Vallone – who initially appeared interested in a joint press conference to condemn the editorial, which suggested that electing a Jewish mayor (Hevesi and Green are Jewish) would be bad for the black community.

Vallone soured on the plan over the weekend, sources said.

Public Advocate Mark Green told Hevesi he’d join him only if he could also get Vallone and Bronx Borough President Fernando Ferrer on board.

Ferrer finally said no yesterday, sources said.


Big-time political strategists who are involved in the mayoral race here are getting ready for a major showdown on June 5 – in Los Angeles.

The runoff election there in the mayoral race is pitting the consulting firm run by Hevesi strategist Hank Morris against Vallone media guru David Doak.

Morris’ firm is employed by James Hahn, while Doak is working for Antonio Villaraigosa – who is also employing Green pollster Mark Mellman.

The public advocate’s consulting firm – Trippi, McMahon & Squier – didn’t have as much luck, advising third-place L.A. finisher Steve Soboroff.

David Axelrod, who is advising Ferrer, is also busy in L.A., working for Deputy Mayor Rocky Delgadillo, who got into a runoff in the city attorney’s race.


Hevesi supporters who surfed the ‘Net and were baffled by odd, unauthorized sites at or can finally rest easy.

Named after Hevesi’s campaign slogan, was officially launched yesterday – where even his three recent TV ads can be viewed. The Web site’s address stands for: “Most Experienced, Best Qualified.”