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The city’s fourth-grade reading scores jumped 3 percentage points this year – but a majority of students still fail to meet state standards, The Post has learned.

Results of the state English Language Arts exam – which are being released today – show 44 percent reading at grade level, up from 41 percent last year.

That still leaves 56 percent of the city’s fourth-graders unable to read and write well, down from 59 percent last year.

And city kids still trail the rest of the state.

About 60 percent of the kids statewide passed the state exam this year, a one-point increase.

Still, education officials said the city results are moving in the right direction.

“The city is showing steady improvement,” one education source said of the results.

Test scores have shot up 11 percentage points since fourth-graders first took the revised state reading test in 1999.

City officials said they were delighted that the percentage increase in the city surpassed other parts of the state.

“That’s never happened before,” one city educator crowed.

While the numbers are up, Board of Education officials said the city has a long way to go.

“We saw a bump in test scores, but I’m never satisfied,” said Michael Johnson, superintendent of District 29 in southeastern Queens.