US News


A nasty phone pervert has been terrorizing Long Island women by telling them their mother or daughter will be gang-raped unless the phone victim performs sex acts for him.

In the past four years, 72 women have been subjected to the vicious sex hoax, in which the male caller convinces his victims that “I have your daughter” or “I have your mother” and declares, “You’re going to be mentally and verbally raped” by phone.

Nassau County district attorney’s office Detective Sgt. Dennis Barry yesterday revealed the ongoing investigation, as well as a “significant break in this case” – a tape recording made by the fiend’s latest victim.

Barry said the man makes “cold calls,” seeking young women he can intimidate into performing sex acts while they’re on the line.

“These women have been traumatized,” said Barry, and their reactions “run the gantlet from fear . . . to anger.”

He urged anyone receiving such a call to hang up and dial *69 – to get his call-back number – and dial 911 to report it to police.

Many of the calls have been traced to pay phones in East Meadow, Levittown and Hempstead, Barry said.

The caller claims to be a rapist who does not want to return to jail and who demands “complete cooperation” from the victim in order “to spare your daughter the terrible act of being raped by three men.”

“So what I need to know is: Do you want to help her or do I just hang up the phone?”

Some women hang up, but many keep the caller on the line, following his twisted instructions to stand in front of a mirror and describe themselves to him, as he instructs them to perform sex acts.

Barry said the 49-year-old woman who tape-recorded the man stayed on the phone just long enough for her husband to call their daughter on another phone to confirm she was not being held by rapists.

Investigators played the tape to other victims, who identified the voice as that of the same man who terrorized them.

Barry asked anyone with information on the case to call the confidential Crime Stoppers hot line: (800) 244-TIPS.


Here’s a partial transcript of the Long Island phone fiend’s conversation with a 49-year-old female victim:

MALE: All right, listen to me very carefully. You’re gonna speak with her [the woman’s daughter] in about 10 or 15 minutes. Now, she’s not hurt, but I’m afraid that she’s sort of been detained …

FEMALE: Who are you?

MALE: I’m going to explain. My name is Paul. She’s being detained for a reason, and this concerns you. Now, it’s very simple. If I get complete cooperation from you, it’s gonna be fine. But if you give me a hard time, and choose not to cooperate, I’m gonna hang up the phone, and I’m afraid that she’s going to be raped. Do you understand that?


MALE: I was in prison for a while. I was in prison for rape. Now, I’m tired of hurting people, and I don’t want to go back … You see, you are going to be the victim. You are going to be mentally and verbally raped. But it’s going to spare your daughter the terrible act of being raped by three men.

FEMALE: Where is my daughter now?

MALE: She’s in a van right now with two friends of mine.

FEMALE: No, don’t.

MALE: She’s not harmed, she’s not touched, and as long as you cooperate, she won’t be … I need for you to stand in front of the mirror … Are you in front of the mirror now?


MALE: I want you to describe yourself to me as if I were in the room with you, looking at you – what would I see right now?

FEMALE: You, you would see an adult woman.

MALE: And describe yourself, describe yourself …