

BRIAN Leetch was the Rangers’ best and most valuable player last season. Now, the best and most valuable contribution to the franchise he has served with so much distinction since 1988 would be for the defenseman to agree to waive his no-trade clause.

If Glen Sather was prudent in not yielding futures he just can’t afford to give for Jaromir Jagr, the GM would be derelict in his duty not to broach the subject to the defenseman, and more than once, if necessary.

In March, Leetch told Slap Shots he would not waive the no-trade, but acknowledged at the time that it was one thing to be asked by me, another thing to be asked by the GM.

“I only hope it isn’t Glen who asks,” is what No. 2 said, understanding quite well all the potential dynamics and repercussions of refusing such a request.

It was illustrated this week: The Rangers don’t have enough of what it takes to make a major deal without substantially damaging whatever organizational currency they have. That changes, however, if they’re able to offer Leetch in a deal.

If Leetch would agree to go to Boston, maybe the Rangers could structure a blockbuster around him that would bring Jason Allison and Kyle McLaren to Broadway. If Leetch would agree to go to San Jose, maybe the Rangers could get Jeff Jillson or Brad Stuart and Patrick Marleau from the win-now Sharks. Who knows what they might be able to get from Dallas, Detroit, St. Louis or even Colorado if Leetch would agree to go to any of those cut-throat Western competitors?

There is no question that Leetch will be a first-ballot Hall of Famer, but the fact is, his career has been diminished by four straight years out of the playoffs in which he’s gone an aggregate -77. Like his team, he has fallen under the league radar detectors.

Leetch, who will turn 34 in March, has two years at $18.36 million remaining on his contract. It’s just as likely as not that he’ll be leaving New York as a free agent after 2002-03, anyway. So why not now, when the Rangers would be able to get something terrific back for him and accelerate their trip back to respectability?

No matter the answer, it is time for Sather to pop the question, even if the GM has to get down on one knee.