US News


A man convicted of killing his wife’s first husband before marrying her staved off sentencing yesterday, arguing that her word shouldn’t be enough to put him behind bars for life.

Jeffrey Richardson, 31, was scheduled to be sentenced in Brooklyn Supreme Court, but Judge Anne Feldman postponed sentencing until March 13 to give his lawyer time to argue that the recent jury verdict should be thrown out for lack of evidence.

Defense attorney Brian Perskin maintains that the testimony of 30-year-old Vanessa Foote Richardson, who admitted to helping plan the 1996 murder of her first hubby, 26-year- old Wall Street accountant Kevin Foote, wasn’t supported by other evidence.

If he wins, his client walks.

The prosecutors’ case hinged on the testimony of Foote Richardson, who pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit murder in exchange for 8 1/3 to 25 years in prison.

“We have every confidence that we’ll withstand his challenge,” Assistant District Attorney Mark Hale said.