


SEATTLE -Byron Scott had done it before with his players. But he figured this was a good time to pick Jason Kidd’s brain and get his captain’s point of view on the team’s struggles.

So prior to the Nets’ 82-73 defeat in Portland, Scott called Kidd in for a sit-down.

“Just wanted to have a conversation with my point guard, see how he was feeling, how everything has been going, how he thinks the season’s been going so far. Just get his feedback,” said Scott. “I just wanted to bring him in and see how everything was going in his mind.

“I’ve done it a couple times and done it with some other guys,” Scott continued, calling Kidd one of the “lowest maintenance” superstars he ever came across.

“It is good to talk to your guys and see how they are feeling. I know guys at this particular point -we played 60 games and we get a little tired -mentally, physically start getting a little tired.

” I like to go around and try to convey to guys, ‘I know you’re tired but we’ve got to push through it.’ This is like getting your second wind because there’s not going to be much time off from this point on and we’ve got to try to pick it up a little bit.”


Kidd will be a guest on “Late Night with David Letterman” tomorrow.

Nets shot dismal .386 (98-of-254) on the first three games of the road trip … Nets forced Blazers into a season-high 23 turnovers Friday.

Rookie Richard Jefferson insists on looking at the positive in the Nets’ three defeats. “We’re all playing hard. Look at some of our losses early on. There was a lack of effort, we weren’t getting out to a good start, coming out lazy. But we’ve been playing extremely hard,” he said.

Nets are home to Raptors Tuesday but then play three of four games on road. Lone home stop in that streak is against resurgent Miami Friday.


Kidd was looking forward to facing the Sonics and fellow Oakland playground competitor Gary Payton last night.