US News


Disgraced NBA great Jayson Williams played Easter Bunny yesterday for his nervous neighbors – by delivering groveling apologies.

The normally devout former hardwood hero also skipped Easter services and remained ensconced in his palatial New Jersey mansion as the probe against him widened.

Williams has been charged with second-degree manslaughter in the Valentine’s Day shooting death of limo driver Costas Christofi, 55. The victim had been hired to drive Williams and his pals to a charity event.

Investigators believe there was an attempted cover-up.

The onetime New Jersey Net’s legal woes triggered unwelcome media attention to the area in Alexandria Township where Williams lives in a 40-room mansion.

To make up for the media hordes creating inconvenience for his neighbors, Williams put handwritten apologies in each of their mailboxes.

The front of the envelope read: “Our wonderful neighbors.” Inside, a thank-you card tried to make amends.

Williams wrote: “I apologize for the media’s intrusion on our quiet neighborhood.” The card was signed “Jay Williams.”