US News


Beware, New Yorkers – miserable sneezers and wheezers will be riding next to you on the subway a little ahead of schedule this year.

Due to a record warm winter, some trees and flowers in the city have bloomed early. Floating pollen has already caused allergy counts to reach levels not normally seen until the end of April, experts say.

Dr. Robert Lin, head allergy specialist at St. Vincents Hospital, said patients had already begun turning up with typical allergy symptoms: watery eyes, runny noses and headaches.

“A lot of people in the area are highly affected right now. It seems like we’ve already hit the prime allergy period and a lot of folks are suffering,” Lin said.

City Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe notes the extremely unusual timing of plant growth in the parks this year.

“Things have bloomed way quicker than usual – the daffodils were fully formed in early February, more than a month ahead of schedule,” Benepe said. “I know I seem to be sneezing more.”

Dr. Lin says precautions can be taken to lessen the impact of the allergy season. He advises keeping windows closed when indoors and, if you’re extremely sensitive, using an electrostatic air filter to knock down pollens already indoors.

Daily pollen reports for the city are posted on