US News


More than half of Americans think companies should pull the plug on their TV ads Sept. 11 to mark the somber occasion, a new survey shows.

Only a third think it’s OK to air commercials, the poll for Advertising Age says, hammering home this message for jittery marketers: Running an ad that day will be risky business.

“The first anniversary of Sept. 11 is not a good day to sell hamburgers,” top marketer Rich Hamilton said.

The challenge for advertisers will be to not look as if they are trying to make money off the tragedy if they simply wish to honor the occasion, experts said.

Image-conscious companies are considering public-service announcements in lieu of tactlessly touting products, they said.

Among those likely to air a commercial will be Boeing – maker of the four planes involved in the attacks – although whatever it does would have to be crafted delicately, experts said.

Major networks say they are being left without sponsorship for most of the day.