


KANSAS CITY – Being hitless in 27 at-bats, the longest slide of his career, hasn’t robbed Rondell White of his confidence.

“Right now I am not doing the job,” said White, who was on the bench last night when Shane Spencer started in left field against the Royals. “But I know I can hit.”

Not since Aug. 3 has White had a hit.

“I have always hit,” said White, a career .295 batter hitting .246. “It’s one of those years where I am not having a good year. I have to relax and play. I am not feeling terrible [at the plate] but I am not getting hits, either.”

Despite the extended slide White still believes he can make a contribution down the stretch.

“I want to get my swing right and get ready for the playoffs,” he said. “I can’t worry about hitting .300. Before it’s all over, I want to help.”


When the Yankees go from 12 to 11 pitchers and add a position player shortly it won’t be through a trade where GM Brian Cashman takes on money or gives up a player to get another.

“We are not going to make a trade for anybody,” Cashman said yesterday, a day after several sources said the Yankees would have an interest in Shane Halter, the Tigers’ utility infielder.

“We are going to go with 11 pitchers and pick up a position player.”

Yankees were prepared to send righty reliever Mike Thurman to Columbus (Triple-A) yesterday but after Wednesday night’s 3-2 win took 14 innings and forced Torre to use four relievers, it was decided to keep Thurman around for protection last night when Orlando Hernandez started against the Royals.

Without making a deal, Cashman’s options are limited to acquiring a player currently on waivers or promoting from Columbus (Triple-A). But Torre said youngsters Juan Rivera and Marcus Thames don’t figure in the mix for the role he has in mind. Ideally, the Yankees would like to add a player who can provide speed off the bench.


Nick Johnson reported his bruised left wrist felt better yesterday but still not well enough to swing a bat at the Yankees’ minor league complex in Tampa.


Yankees assistant GM Jean Afterman was spotted at Tokyo Dome, where Japanese star Hideki Matsui was playing in a game for the Yomiuri Giants. It was immediately speculated that the 28-year-old outfielder was headed for the Yankees.