US News


The NYPD is evaluating former Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s police protection as he globe-trots around the world, raking in millions of dollars in new business for his consulting firm, officials said yesterday.

The former mayor’s trips out of the country – he was in Europe yesterday on business – have raised questions about whether the cash-strapped NYPD should be footing the tab for the detectives who accompany “America’s mayor.”

Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said yesterday that the NYPD is “constantly evaluating” the security provided to Giuliani, his fiancee, Judith Nathan, and “people close to him,” including his kids.

Giuliani’s ex-wife Donna Hanover no longer receives police protection, Kelly said.

Neither does former Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik, who declined to use NYPD detectives.

Giuliani has made several recent high-profile trips to foreign countries, including France and Mexico, where he has drummed up millions of dollars in business.

He is entitled to police protection as a former mayor, and particularly in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks.

But the NYPD is evaluating whether security for sojourns that strictly involve his lucrative private business should be underwritten, at least partially, by Giuliani, officials privately acknowledged.

Giuliani spokeswoman Sunny Mindel declined to discuss the former mayor’s security.