US News


Connie Post has seen an awful lot of dresses, wedding cakes and bouquet tosses. No big surprise: Post, wed 10 times, is apparently Ohio’s most married woman.

“I do believe in marriage and I think the way I’ve lived my life proves it,” she said.

A review of Ohio marriage licenses issued in 2000 found brides as old as 90 and as young as 15, couples with 12 prior marriages between them and couples with a 50-year difference in their ages.


They’re known as foods that get you in the mood, but experts say dark chocolate, chili peppers and raw oysters have no more power to arouse than a heap of cooked broccoli.

“There’s no proof to it,” said Cynthia Finley, a registered dietitian at the Johns Hopkins Weight Management Center.

“There hasn’t been any conclusive evidence that any of these foods work as aphrodisiacs.”


Railway cops in India who should have been looking out for their passengers’ well-being may be headed for the hoosegow.

Cops assigned to the Amritsar-Howrah city Express train to protect travelers from stickup artists in the lawless Indian state of Bihar instead turned on them.

About 12 officers are accused of pulling guns on the commuters and snatching their cash and jewelry. The dirty dozen have been suspended.


Two Chilean old-timers got married three days after meeting at a retirement home.

Rosario Ramirez, 78, and Juan Canales, 65, were hitched at a local church and threw a party afterward at the old-age home in Santiago. Neither has been married before.

“At our age, no one thinks something like this can happen,” said Canales.

“But one day I saw her, and started a conversation. After three days I knew she was the woman of my dreams.”


A healthy six-legged lamb has been born on a Dutch farm.

Rob Adriaans, from Nuenen, the Netherlands, said the animal seemed perfectly happy with two extra legs.

“I was helping the ewe to deliver, and I suddenly felt a lot of legs,” Adriaans said. “I thought two others were on their way, and then I saw it was just one little lamb.”

Adriaans said he named the animal Hermes. “I want to keep the little fellow alive as long as possible,” he said.