US News


A man prosecutors call the Perverted Pied Piper of Harlem will likely spend his life behind bars after his young sex assault victims begged the judge to throw away the prison key yesterday – and the judge obliged.

“Clarence made my life a burning hell,” one 14-year-old boy said during a brief hearing, at which Clarence Wade, 50, was hit with a 61-year sentence for sodomy, attempted rape, and lesser offenses.

“Being molested and beaten does not feel good,” he added, in a statement read aloud by the case prosecutor. “It hurts a person on the inside . . . I’m tearing up and I don’t like it.”

As building super of 15 W. 131 St., Wade lured troubled, needy preteen children into his clutches by giving them odd jobs, or gifts of toys.

Wade was convicted last month of attacking or endangering five of these children by manipulating them into creepy sexual games. Prosecutors say Wade preyed on more than 15 Harlem kids, but most of them too long ago to be prosecuted.

“He is a very sick-minded and dangerous man and I never want to see him out free again,” a petite and pigtailed victim told the judge at the Manhattan Supreme Court sentencing.

“A sick man like him should not come out of jail alive – if anything, in a coffin,” the 13-year-old girl added, looking up to glare at her attacker.