


BOSTON – For the Red Sox, desperate times apparently called for unprofessional measures.

Subs Lou Merloni, Doug Mirabelli, Adrian Brown and Andy Abad lined up on the top step of the dugout during last night’s stay-alive 3-1,11-inning victory with the letters “Li L – Ly” taped across their jackets – successfully encouraging Fenway to pick up a mocking chant of A’s starter Ted Lilly.

It wasn’t the only example of Red Sox rudeness. When fans booed reliever Byung-Hyung Kim during his pre-game introduction, the embattled closer responded by flashing an obscene gesture.

“It was an instant, reflexive reaction that I regret,” Kim said in words attributed to him after the game in a statement released by the team’s PR department. “I am very sorry.”


John Burkett (12-9, 5.15) will pitch against 17-game winner Tim Hudson this afternoon. A victory will give ace Pedro Martinez (who threw 130 pitches in Game 1) another start in Game 5 tomorrow against Barry Zito.

“[John’s] been very consistent for us all season,” said Little. He brings a whole lot of experience to the mound.”


Trot Nixon, not a lock for the postseason roster after being shelved in September with calf problems, was miserable after taking batting practice on Tuesday. Last night he won the game with a majestic 11th inning pinch-hit homer that just cleared the center field fence.

“I wasn’t too happy the other day,” he said. “The past couple days, I felt better taking batting practice.

“[Harden] left one up, I got under one and got a little gust of wind from the Lord.”