

The Yankees are almost certain to open the 2004 season in Hideki Matsui’s old home stadium, the Tokyo Dome, against the Devil Rays, a source confirmed to The Post.

The Commissioners Office formally asked the Yankees yesterday to play two games in late March in Japan. But the source said back-channel negotiations already had been undertaken and that the Commissioners Office had received strong indications from the Yankees that they would accept the invitation.

The Yanks apparently won’t even lose a home game in The Bronx in the process, which appeals to them. The Yanks and Devil Rays were scheduled to open the season against each other April 5 and 7 at Yankee Stadium. But the Commissioners Office must reimburse the gate for the official home team when it plays in Japan. Since the Yankees are sure to sell out their home opener and average about 40,000 spectators overall, the Commissioners Office would prefer to make these Devil Ray home games in Japan.

Tampa, which draws poorly, is scheduled to host the Yankees in a three-game series from April 12-14. It is likely that two of those games will be replaced by games in Tokyo.

Beyond not losing home dates, going to Japan appeals to the Yankees. It is a way to honor Matsui, perhaps the most popular player in the country’s history. It enables the Yankees to further strengthen their working agreement with Matsui’s former team, the Yomiuri Giants, since the Yomiuri company sponsors these games. It allows the Yanks to fortify their relationship in Japanese baseball circles, which has become a priority the past few years. And it possibly creates more financial opportunities for the Yankees.

There also are concerns. The Yankees, often more rock superstar band than baseball team, always are security infatuated, and would be even more so traveling the team overseas. Last year’s scheduled opener in Tokyo between Oakland and Seattle was aborted because of security worries tied to the then potential war in Iraq.