

ESPN will premiere a two-part documentary on Dennis Rodman’s basketball comeback starting tomorrow night at midnight.

“We wanted to present an honest and detailed look at what one former superstar goes through when trying to get back in the game,” said Michael Antinoro, a top ESPN exec.

The Season: Dennis Rodman on the Rebound” has been kept under serious wraps until a few weeks ago when word leaked out that the sports channel was going to try to do for the flamboyant rebounder what MTV did for Ozzy Osbourne.

ESPN will air two one-hour documentaries on consecutive nights.

ESPN said earlier that the show wouldn’t dwell on some aspects of Rodman’s life that the NBA didn’t find amusing, such as multiple suspensions and generally flamboyant behavior.

ESPN has been trying to push beyond its traditional, league-sanctioned programming in recent years.

Among some of its latest moves: hiring conservative radio-host Rush Limbaugh for its NFL pregame program and producing the weekly, scripted drama “Playmakers,” which is set in a fictitious NFL locker room and full of references to performanc-enhancing drugs.