US News


Police are putting the squeeze on local toughs who may have information in the killing of Mark Fisher – a popular sophomore at a Connecticut college who was murdered on his first foray into Brooklyn last year.

Cops swooped on several men this weekend, who are either suspects in the murder of the strapping college football star, or friends of those who police think had a hand in the 19-year-old’s death last October.

John Guica, 20 – who hosted the party where Fisher was last seen alive – got hit with a summons Friday night for drinking.

The same night, an acquaintance of Guica’s, Jessie Wenzel, 22, and his brother, William, 20, were pinched with drugs near their home in Bensonhurst, police said.

Jessie Wenzel is already awaiting trial on charges of possession of four handguns found in his home last October. Both Wenzels were caught with marijuana, while the younger brother also had cocaine and Xanax, a criminal complaint charges. William was released on $1,000 bail and Jessie got off with a desk appearance ticket. Both pleaded not guilty.

Guica’s lawyer did not return calls for comment. A lawyer for the Wenzel brothers, Arthur Aidala, argued the arrests were a desperate attempt to get more information on the Fisher murder. “I guess the Police Department must be somewhat frustrated because they haven’t been able to make an arrest,” he said.

“However, you would think at this point they would understand that no one in the Wenzel family had anything to do with the Mark Fisher tragedy.”

Fisher, of Byram, N.J., met Guica after a night of bar hopping in Manhattan with classmates from Fairfield University.

Mutual acquaintances led Fisher to a party at Guica’s house in Ditmas Park filled with local toughs. Investigators believe the tight-knit neighborhood crew began razzing the 6-foot-5 football player and the harassment went too far. Shortly before 7 a.m., Fisher’s beaten and bullet-ridden body was dumped on a sidewalk, blocks from Guica’s house.

Shortly after Fisher’s body was found, a friend of Guica told investigators he bragged about the killing, law-enforcement sources said. But all the people at the party got lawyers and have stonewalled cops trying to pick apart “inconsistencies” in their stories, sources said.

Neither of the Wenzel brothers was at the party the night Fisher as killed. Cops have described them as core members of Guica’s social circle.