US News


A Queens man charged in the vicious 2003 slashing attack on his upstairs neighbors told jurors yesterday cops coerced his tearful videotaped confession after seven hours locked in a precinct interrogation room.

“I just wanted to get out of there,” said David Robles, 37. “My mind was numb . . .”

Robles testified detectives wouldn’t let him leave, go to the bathroom or retrieve heart medication from his home after he was taken to the station house early on March 4, 2003.

He said the treatment wore him down until he agreed to written and videotaped confessions, admitting that he was promised $2,500 from the building’s landlord to attack William and David Lavery. The landlord wanted them out because they were paying only $400 rent, prosecutors said.

But on the stand, a calm Robles flatly denied any deal. An alleged accomplice, Danny Machuca, has already pleaded guilty to attempted murder.