

They came with rain slickers, hats and a wish to see the Yankees and Mets open what, for some New York baseball fans, is a six-game season.

Instead, many of what was to be a sold-out Yankee Stadium crowd got wet and went home when last night’s Subway Series game was boxed due to rain.

Unlike 2000 and last year, when rain forced postponements, there will be no split stadium twinbill. Instead, last night’s game is rescheduled for tomorrow at Yankee Stadium at 1:05 p.m. Tickets for last night’s game will be honored then.

Tomorrow night’s scheduled 8:05 game will be played as well, with separate admissions being charged.

Yankee manager Joe Torre and Met skipper Art Howe didn’t change their rotation. Neophyte lefty Brad Halsey faces grizzled veteran Al Leiter today, while Jose Contreras draws Steve Trachsel in the first game tomorrow and Mike Mussina goes against rookie Mark Ginter tomorrow night.

Several scenarios, including a Monday game, were discussed before it was decided to play two tomorrow.

While Torre didn’t care what the decision was, Howe was thankful last night’s game didn’t start and then be called off.

“The only thing I was worried about was starting the game and losing Leiter that way,” Howe said.

Since Contreras has gone through an emotional week with his family sneaking out of Cuba and joining him in America, Torre was asked about flipping Contreras and the 23-year-old Halsey, who makes his second big-league start.

“We will keep it in order,” Torre said. “I don’t think we want the kid to wait a couple of more days.”

Even with the rain falling, the crowd was filling the lower levels of seats in anticipation the game would start. But about 7:45 it was called, killing the buzz that was building.

For some players, the air has gone out of the Subway Series that was introduced in 1997 and dominated by the Yankees, who hold a 24-12 edge and swept the six games a year ago.

However, it’s not old to the baseball fans in the area. Proof?

The three Stadium games are sold out, and Shea Stadium will be packed next weekend when they meet again.

Of course, Roger Clemens won’t be facing Mike Piazza. And Shawn Estes won’t be pitching to Clemens. Dwight Gooden isn’t walking off a plane to beat the Mets like he did hours before Clemens drilled Piazza in the head. And nothing will ever match the 2000 World Series, when the Yankees and Mets gave us five games nobody can forget.

Still, there will be a buzz at the Stadium today. And that intensity, said Torre, would have an effect. Even on his cold-blooded club that prides itself on taking the Mets as seriously as the Royals no matter where the stage is built.

“The players feed off the fans,” said Torre. “It adds excitement to the city. I don’t want to say the players don’t care about this. To me it’s an exhibition that draws people. You have to understand it draws fans and takes on a life of its own.”

They care because it counts in the standings. Yet, whatever so-so feeling the players have for the Subway Series would be flushed if the Yankees and Mets shared a division.

“If we were in the same league it would take on a lot more significance,” Torre said. “That’s why it’s not like us and the Red Sox and the Giants and Dodgers.”