


MEET Walter, 42, a vascular sonographer and radiographer – “I examine arteries and veins with ultrasound and I work with X-rays” – who’s looking for Miss Right.

“When I was growing up I wanted to be an NBA star like Larry Bird,” says 6-foot-3 Walter. “But I never had the talent for basketball.”

“So I attended radiography [X-ray] school for a few years and, later, took ultrasound courses,” he says. “I enjoy my work, but am looking into branching out into something more corporate – maybe working for a pharmaceutical company, in marketing, or something more progressive.”

So is Walter a confirmed old bachelor or is he looking to settle down?”In my early 20s, my parents used to talk about the ‘someday’ when I’m married. They don’t talk about it anymore – maybe they’ve given up.”

Still, Walter hasn’t relinquished all hope. “I don’t know if I believe in soul mates or that one perfect person,” he says. “But I can tell pretty quickly if there’s potential. If everything works out and our personalities match, I’m definitely open to taking the next step.”

“I have a really diverse group of friends and most of them are single,” Walter says. “There seem to be a lot of single people in New York in their late 30s and early 40s.”

“Usually I meet women at charity benefits, clubs or bars,” he says. “I go on a lot of dates, but often I’ll have one or two dates with someone and that’s it – there’s no chemistry.””I’ve been involved in a couple of long-term relationships,” he says. “One ended because she wasn’t ready to settle down. And I ended another when I realized she was far too materialistic.”

“Basically, I’m looking for what everyone else is looking for – physical attraction, shared interests and chemistry. I’m easygoing and a good planner. I’m also a great listener and very considerate.”

What more could you want?

Make sure to tune in next week to find out who Walter picked and how their date turned out!

Jennifer, 35, business development manager

What do you do in your free time?

When not working, I can be found picking off passes on the football field, cooking, traveling or kicking back and watching movies. My favorite pastime of all is spending quality time with quality people. OK, and maybe napping as well.

How would you describe yourself?

I’d describe myself as sassy, sexy and full of energy – with a tendency to speak my mind rather than keep you guessing. I love the outdoors and am an avid sports fan (and football fanatic), but can also turn up the glamour quotient when the occasion calls for it.

Your dating history: I’ve been really lucky to have met and dated amazing guys – and I’m still friends with most of them. But I moved to New York from Chicago three years ago and my luck here has not been as great as it was there.

What would you like to find in a partner/relationship?

I’m looking for someone who’s got it all, but just hasn’t met the right woman. He’s got to be handsome, smart, athletic and funny. Someone who works hard, but doesn’t put his career before family and friends. I want to meet someone who is not afraid of commitment – who believes honesty, courtesy and respect are the best ways to find and keep a partner.

Three things you can’t live without: Novels, my iPod and lip balm.

Marisa, 33, attorney

What makes you a good catch?

I think I can bring a lot to the table – I’m bright, articulate, attractive, well-educated and well-traveled. I have a good career and strong family values.

What do you do in your free time?

I like to travel, exercise, read, see movies and go to museums. I also enjoy going to hear live music and watching sporting events.

Your worst date: I went to the movies with a guy who picked a theater four blocks from his place but 50 blocks from mine. He didn’t buy tickets ahead of time so the movie was sold out. Then he wanted to walk 30 blocks to try to catch the next showing at another theater – so we walked there and it was sold out again. It bothered me that he didn’t plan ahead and just wanted to do what was convenient for him.

Turn-ons: Sharp wit and a great smile.

Turn-offs: Selfishness, rudeness, bad breath.

Ever made out on a first date?

Yes, but it’s been a while.

What animal do you most resemble and why?

I guess I’d have to say a gazelle. I was recently told that I was graceful and elegant like a gazelle.

Stacey, 37, marketing and publishing executive

What do you do in your free time?

I like to relax, see friends, check out new restaurants and go to the theater. I love the beach, boating, traveling and baseball. I’m a big fan of the Yankees.

How would you describe yourself?

I’m sexy, pretty and intelligent. I love to have fun and surround myself with good friends. My friends admire me for the chances I take in life, and they trust me to keep their secrets.

Your dating history: I’ve been dating since I was 15. I’ve had a few two- and three-year relationships, but I’ve never been married and I don’t have children. I’ve been told, “You’re the girl everybody wants to date, but no one gets to marry.” I’ve also been told that I intimidate men, and that’s why they stare from afar but won’t approach me.

Turn-ons: Skinny-dipping, public displays of affection, power, money, candlelight and thunderstorms.

What animal do you most resemble and why?

Maybe a border collie. I’m full of energy and always trying to rally the troops to go hang out.