US News


Domestic diva Martha Stewart won’t be making pumpkin pie this Thanksgiving – unless it’s in prison.

Manhattan federal Judge Miriam Goldman Cedarbaum approved Stewart’s request to serve her five-month sentence while appealing her conviction and ordered her to surrender to prison authorities by Oct. 8.

Last week, Stewart lamented she will spend Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s behind bars – but gushed she’ll be back in time to plant her garden in the spring.

The U.S. Bureau of Prisons will now select a minimum-security facility where she’ll serve, and will make a decision within three days, said bureau spokesman Dan Dunne.

Stewart wants to serve in the Danbury facility near her Connecticut country house or the “prison camp” in Coleman, Fla.

Danbury has an arts-and-crafts program – Stewart’s forte – and Coleman has a dog-training program for the canine lover.

But depending on crowding conditions, prison officials can assign her to one of 12 women’s prisons available across the country.

In a boost to Stewart, Cedarbaum recommended she be assigned to the Danbury or Florida prisons. Both prisons are full, but Dunne did not rule out placing Stewart in either.

“The Bureau of Prisons shall expedite the designation of the institution for incarceration,” Cedarbaum said in her eight-page revised judgment.

“The defendant shall surrender for service of sentence designated by the Bureau of Prisons: before 2 p.m. on October 8, 2004.”

After completing her prison time, Stewart, who was convicted of lying about her ImClone stock sale, must serve five months of home confinement.