US News


We cannot tell a lie – silverware once owned by George Washington sold for a small fortune yesterday.

Six historic items belonging to the Father of Our Country were auctioned at Sotheby’s in Manhattan for a total of $490,000.

They included a silver waiter set with Washington’s crest, made in Virginia in 1784, which went for $318,400.

A silver tablespoon with Washington’s crest, manufactured in Philadelphia in 1780, fetched $78,000.

Also up for grabs were three of Washington’s coat buttons that were later fashioned into a gold pendant in 1860. The selling price was $48,000.

Two silver salt spoons were scooped up for $15,600.

But several high-ticket items failed to reach the minimum bid and were withdrawn from the auction.

Nobody offered the low bid of $400,000 for a Sheffield double-plated wine cooler the president ordered for his house.

Nor was there enough interest in a silver wine funnel made in 1774, which had a minimum bid of $15,000.

The items were sold by a direct descendant of America’s first president, who wished to remain anonymous, according to Sotheby’s.

Washington, who was commander in chief from 1789-1797, also led the Continental Army during the American Revolution.