

The Yankees and Red Sox have started imperfectly this season, which could lead to the perfect ending. The chant of 1918 has faded, but 1978 might be making a comeback.

With the Twins and the Indians owning easier second-half schedules, the Yankees-Red Sox battle for the AL East may not include a consolation prize this year. It could be the AL East title or nothing.

After the All-Star break, the Yankees and Red Sox begin the second half of the season in Boston on Thursday. They end at Fenway as well, for the final three games of the season.

“We have had great Octobers,” said ESPN’s Peter Gammons. “Now, it may come down to the final series of the year in Boston. I think it adds another twist, taking us back to 1978 all over again.”

Gammons senses that after last year’s ALCS, in which the Red Sox made their historic comeback from a 3-0 hole, the rivalry has been slightly altered because the Red Sox are now World Series champions.

“I think it changed the rivalry because the Red Sox finally won,” Gammons said. “There isn’t that inferiority complex. You don’t have Yankee fans yelling, ‘1918.’ It has calmed down all the inferiority complex, but I think the intensity is still very much there.”

The winning for both the Yankees and Red Sox hasn’t been as consistent as most thought it would be coming into the season. They may not have a wildcard net to fall into should the division title escape either of their grasps.

“It is very clear that both teams are flawed and they are probably going to end up in another very good pennant race,” Gammons said. “I’m not sure that both of them can make the playoffs.”

Gammons said he expects Red Sox’ GM Theo Epstein to add two relievers because Boston has “no bullpen,” while Yankee GM Brian Cashman will pick up an everyday center fielder and a starting pitcher.

In the end, a new player could be a difference maker.


Yankees at Red Sox, 7 p.m., YES