US News


The two Long Island lovebirds who were caught having sex on a public-school roof were sprung yesterday – and promptly kept the lovefest going after a night apart in jail.

As soon as a judge freed them without bail, Rebekah Albee and Anthony Oddo celebrated by necking outside First District Court in Central Islip.

The raunchy couple told The Post they had merely been trying to find a secluded spot to spice things up on Sunday.

“We’re crazy teens, we were just trying to have a little fun,” said Albee, 19, perhaps forgetting her lover is 24.

Oddo told officers the same story, except in language too colorful for a family newspaper, sources said.

In the wake of their naked rooftop romp, Albee appeared before the judge without shoes, while Oddo was shirtless. “I guess that stuff just got lost someplace,” Albee said.

She said they picked the roof of her alma mater, the Kennedy Middle School in Port Jefferson Station, because her father “doesn’t allow that kind of thing in the house.”