

PARIS Hilton and Nicole Richie will be on-screens pals again this TV season, even if they’re in real-life Splitsville.

The silver-spoon princesses are committed to a fourth version of “The Simple Life” that’ll air sometime next year, Fox officials said yesterday, despite the pair’s very public breakup.

“We feel that there’s got to be something there, given that both Paris and Nicole are engaged and about to be married, and there’s got to be something in that world that we can play with that can continue this spirit of ‘The Simple Life,’ ” said Fox chief Peter Liguori, while conceding the two pals are still broken up to his knowledge.

Another Fox suit said producers are still toying with several ideas for the wayward celebutantes. Producers are confident they can make hot TV even if the two main characters are icy cold to each another.

“Like all friends, they’ve had their ups and downs,” said Fox reality guru Mike Darnell. “It still hasn’t been decided what exactly they’ll be doing. I’m not being evasive, we just don’t know yet.”