US News


Talk about an indecent proposal!

A Queens college student has been ordered to return the $53,000 engagement ring given to her by her millionaire ex-boyfriend – who also allegedly gave her what may be one of the crudest wedding proposals of all time.

Emily DiGaetano was 18 and very pregnant when she says Vito William Lucchetti Jr., 38, popped the question in a not-so-family way.

“During the late stages of my pregnancy . . . Vito summoned me into the bedroom and requested that I perform [a sex act] on him,” DiGaetano said in court papers.

“After protesting . . . I agreed. Vito waited until I was on my knees and then knelt to join me and said, ‘Just kidding, here ya go,’ and handed me the ring.”

She contends it wasn’t a real proposal because there were “no loving words, no promises, [and] not even the word ‘marry.’ “

Lucchetti denies he asked DiGaetano for sex when he proposed.

DiGaetano said she left Lucchetti in May after she found their baby choking on a bullet from his secret stash of guns.

DiGaetano leveled the charges against Lucchetti, president and CEO of the corporate information Web site the MacReport, in response to a suit he’d filed to force her to return the gold, three-carat diamond ring.

She said she shouldn’t have to give it back because it was more of a gift than a real engagement ring.

In a decision made public yesterday, Justice Faviola Soto said DeGaetano had to return the “gift” because it is “clear from the facts that she accepted the ring as an engagement ring.”

But the ruling is moot: DiGaetano had actually already returned it.

Additional reporting by Laura Italiano