US News


A grand jury yesterday indicted two Bronx teens on murder charges for allegedly shooting a father of two after he confronted them for throwing eggs at his minivan just days before Halloween, authorities said.

They claim Jeffery Ivey, 15, took a pistol from Erik Fuller, 17, and shot Joseph Padro, 31, in the head, back and arm at 2595 Third Ave. on Oct. 29.

Although Fuller claims Ivey took the gun from him without permission, both are being held equally responsible because they allegedly acted in concert with one another, authorities said.

Both boys have maintained their innocence.

Fuller’s lawyer, Anthony Ventura, said. “He never intended for anyone to use this weapon to kill anybody.”

Ivey’s lawyer, Arlen Yarhut, declined to comment.

If convicted of the second-degree murder charge, Fuller faces up to 25 years to life, but Ivey is looking at a lesser sentence of 15 years to life because of his age, authorities said.

The Padro family called for the arrest of two other young men whom they say police questioned but released. They also urged the eviction of a family they said allowed some of the youths to escape through their apartment.

Authorities said no other arrests are expected in the shooting, although it’s still under investigation.

Larry Celona contributed to this report.