US News


Potential 2008 White House hopeful Rudy Giuliani will travel to politically crucial New Hampshire next month to headline a fund-raiser, officials said yesterday.

It’s the first political trip Giuliani has made to the first-in-the-nation primary state since he stumped there for President Bush in October 2004.

The Oct. 12 trip comes as the former mayor is mulling a White House run of his own – and as other potential candidates are ramping up their operations.

New Hampshire state Rep. Mike Whalley, who’s helping organize the $125-a-head lunch and $250-per-person VIP reception, made clear the emphasis will be on terrorism – the topic that Republicans see as their strongest suit in the midterm elections.

“When Rudy Giuliani speaks about keeping America safe and winning the war on terror, people listen,” Whalley said in a statement about the event for the House Republican Victory Committee. “He’ll be a huge draw and help us raise money and promote our candidates for the House.”

The ex-mayor leads most public polls, along with maverick Arizona Sen. John McCain, for the GOP nomination to replace Bush.

While Giuliani has been stumping for congressional candidates for the fall midterm races, he’s acknowledged he’s weighing his chances at the presidency.