

It wasn’t a save situation, “Enter Sandman” wasn’t blaring, but Mariano Rivera still came in and made an inspiring impression yesterday.

Rivera was invited to come speak to the Nets and share his experiences with the Yankees. Because he has more rings than the entire Nets team – which aside from assistant coach Bill Cartwright is still working on one – they sorted of listened.

“He just talked about the importance of the team, staying together, supporting each other through the ups and downs of a season,” said Cliff Robinson. “It was good to have someone who has been as consistent as he has and understands what it takes to be on top to come in and spend some time with us.” And Robinson, from Buffalo, is a Yankee fan – “Oh, yeah, I was extremely impressed.” Ditto Bostjan Nachbar who, despite his Slovenian heritage was well aware of Rivera’s pedigree.

“He talked about the experiences in his career, how he went through good times and difficult times and through it all, ‘team’ is the most important thing,” Nachbar said. “I think everybody enjoyed listening to a guy who has achieved so much in his career.” Coach Lawrence Frank has brought in success stories in the past to address his troops; to tell them about success and failure. And while it’s not limited to the sports arena, he jumped at the chance to have Rivera, whose appearance was arranged through team chaplain, Pastor Willie Alfonso.

“We’ve had different people come and talk to the team. It’s important to be able to listen and learn to others and he had a lot to share,” Frank said. “We talk about being able to achieve great things, but we like to talk to people in other venues – whether sports or business or in society – that have achieved great things yet have such a humble demeanor about them.” And that was one word that seemed to come up about Rivera: humble.

“A superstar like him, yet he was one of the most humble people I’ve ever met,” said GM Ed Stefanski, one of the host of Net types who clutched Mariano Rivera autographed baseballs before last night’s home exhibition game with the Celtics. “He talked about the team and how you have to trust each other. Everybody was listening because everyone has seen the results.” And everybody was impressed by Rivera’s mere presence. Well, almost everybody.

“I don’t watch baseball,” said rookie Marcus Williams.