Weird But True


‘Tis the season to be jolly – and absent.

One in three workers call in sick to work at some point during the holiday season even though they feel fine, experts say.

More 32 percent of workers seem to not care that Santa knows they are naughty when it comes to lying to their boss to get out of work – because they are so stressed with holiday parties and shopping, according to a survey by

A tribe of Brazilian Indians who hunt for food and live in the rain forest have figured out a new way to make money – by peddling ring tones.

The Xavante Indians have been peddling the tunes to their “hunt song” and “healing dance” chant to cellphone users in China and Europe.

The tribe is paid $1.40 for each download.

Talk about baring your anger.

A group of residents in a western Canada town have decided to protest the number of potholes in their rotten roads by exposing the naked truth – in a nude calendar.

The calendar shows the Leader, Saskatchewan, protesters posing in the buff next to the potholes – including one in which an activist covers his manhood with a hubcap.

“The initial impression when people open the calendar is ‘Oh my God!’ ” said one town official.

A former CIA employee has been accused being a serial panty raider.

Former mid-level administrator George C. Dalmas III has admitted to breaking into 10 homes near the spy agency’s Virginia headquarters and stealing a hoard of jewelry.

But the most shocking find when cops raided his home – 1,074 pairs of women’s underwear. After his admission, he faces 20 years in prison.

Two brothers in Britain have been charged with animal cruelty – not for starving their dog, but for feeding it too much. The two men let their Labrador feast so much that it grew to 170 pounds.

“It looked like a walrus,” said one vet who examined the dog.

The two men are the first in Britain to be charged with a crime for overfeeding.