US News


Gov. Pataki’s top appointee to the Port Authority has vowed to continue serving on the agency’s board even after Democrat Eliot Spitzer becomes governor next month, setting up a certain showdown.

Charles Gargano, a renowned Republican fund-raiser and a longtime Pataki adviser, said he plans to remain on the PA board for at least several years of the six-year term he was recently reappointed to by Pataki.

“I was confirmed by the state Senate for six more years. I don’t think I would serve the entire six years, but I would continue serving for a while,” said Gargano. “I may stay on as long as I can be useful.”

Some familiar with the governor-elect’s thinking believe he wants a fresh board and will likely ask the current New York appointees to resign. If they refuse, Spitzer can still veto any action by the Port Authority’s board.

Gargano said his experience at the Port Authority, his background in civil engineering and development, and his role in the World Trade Center negotiations make him a valuable board member to keep.

“I’ve been heavily involved with Ground Zero since 9/11,” said Gargano, who was quick to add that he doesn’t need a job and is only interested in continuing in public service.


Term limits

Terms of the Republicanappointed New York PA board members:

* Charles Gargano, vice chairman July 2012

* Henry Silverman July 2011

* Michael Chasanoff July 2010

* David Mack July 2009

* Bruce Blakeman July 2008

* Christine Ferer July 2007