US News


Supporters of former Mayor Rudy Giuliani have started discussions with relatives of 9/11 victims about backing him if he runs for president in 2008, some family members told The Post.

The conversations have taken place in recent weeks, according to some victims’ families, who described the talks as “casual.”

Marian Fontana, who lost her firefighter husband on 9/11, said she got an invitation to go to a Giuliani exploratory committee dinner last week from a former firefighter working with Giuliani’s committee. She described the invite as “last-minute.”

Fontana said she was appreciative of what Giuliani did after 9/11, but would want to know a lot more about any candidate’s stand on a variety of issues.

“I feel like I’m not ready to endorse,” said Fontana, who added, “I could see why [Giuliani supporters] would want to reach out to family members.”

Lee Ielpi, a former firefighter who lost his son in the attacks, said he discussed backing the former mayor with Larry Levy.

Levy, a former Giuliani administration official, ran the Twin Towers Fund and now works at the ex-mayor’s consulting firm.

“I approached him. I said I’d like to offer my support to the mayor,” said Ielpi.

“I’ve been following the mayor from before 9/11. I admire what he accomplished in the city, I admire the way he took on crime . . . and then 9/11 just brought that out to the world to see how strong a man he is, and I’m more than confident that he is capable to run this country.”

It is unclear exactly what role the families would play.

But some relatives who are anti-Giuliani are already planning “Swiftboat”-type attacks against the ex-mayor – modeled on the negative campaign against John Kerry in 2004 by his fellow Vietnam vets. It seems likely that 9/11 kin could help Giuliani counter that criticism.

Some 9/11 family members have been deeply critical of Giuliani, blaming him for communications failures the day of the attacks.

Others have faulted his administration for allegedly not doing enough to protect rescue and recovery workers from polluted air at Ground Zero.

For the most part, those family members who have spoken with Giuliani supporters are family members who have maintained a relationship with Giuliani in the years since the attacks and were already fans of his.

A Giuliani spokeswoman declined comment.

Giuliani became known as “America’s mayor” after 9/11, and his performance on that day both made him a national GOP star and prompted several social conservatives to say they could overlook his moderate stand on social issues.

(p. 5 in metro and sports extra)