US News


Naomi Campbell spent five hours in her court-mandated anger management class yesterday – and didn’t throw a phone at anyone.

Instead the cellphone-slinging supermodel told her dozen temperamental classmates how deeply she regretted her violent fits of rage.

Campbell was at the campus of a New York school on the Upper West Side for the first of two temper-tempering classes.

Sources said she was fulfilling a Manhattan judge’s mandate as part of her sentence for pelting her maid in the head last March with a jewel-encrusted Nokia.

Rolling up to school in a black Escalade at 8.53 a.m., flanked by a tall bodyguard in a three-piece suit, the diva kept her lips pursed and her face half-hidden behind enormous red sunglasses.

She wore skin-tight blue jeans, black suede boots and an Alexander McQueen silk skull scarf, a far cry from the humble, paint-stained jeans and frayed, baggy sweatshirt get-up of her fellow probies.

Sticking out of her large gold Louis Vuitton carry-on bag was a bright purple notebook – possibly the anger journal required for class. Each participant is expected to record their feelings, her classmates said.

A 30-year-old Bronx man, who was sentenced to the same class, told the Post the model had the star-struck class in the palm of her hands.

“You would never think so, but she was so, so nice,” he said.

Sitting in a circle with her court-appointed classmates and anger-management teacher Gary, Campbell regaled the room with tales of her bad temper.

“No one talked for more than a minute, and it gets to her turn and she talks forever, the whole time,” the Bronx man said.

“I mean, she did have a lot to talk about. We’ve all read about what she’s done.”

With head bowed and chin in her hand, Campbell said she planned to mend her ways.

“I do honestly feel very sorry. I don’t know if people will believe that,” she told the class.

“I mean I cannot believe I am sitting here. And, I have said it before, but this time I truly mean it. I feel sorry and I am really going to learn from my mistakes.”

Prosecutors told a Manhattan court Campbell chucked her phone at housekeeper Ana Scolavino in a fit of rage after accusing the maid of stealing a pair of jeans from her Park Avenue apartment.

She pleaded guilty to misdemeanor assault in January and was sentenced to five days of community service – which she’ll begin next week at a city Sanitation Department warehouse – and two anger-management sessions.

Scolavino, who needed five stitches to her head, is one of four former maids and assistants who have claimed their hissy boss attacked them.

“I was angry. I was angry all day really, and then it just got to be too much,” Campbell confessed in class.

“I threw my cellphone at a person, a person who worked for me. I don’t know why I did that. I was angry, so angry, but I realize that is not an excuse for what I’ve done.”

Campbell wouldn’t answer reporters’ questions during a lunch break. But she did smile for the camera, saying, “Now will you leave me alone?”

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