

“Randi and the Rubber Rooms,” (Editorial, March 19) correctly points out that teachers who have done terrible things don’t belong in teaching and should be removed.

But what about students who are thrown back into schools that they constantly disrupt with their outrageous behavior?

Parents are given rights over the schools, and the child just receives a slap on the wrist, if that.

Until the disciplinary mess on all sides is effectively dealt with, schools should receive no extra funding until they clean their acts up.

Ed Greenspan


It’s appalling that our education bureaucracy cannot find it within itself to eliminate this practice of organized procrastination.

The chief organizer, Randi Weingarten, presides over this futile process, milking taxpayers through gross negligence and incompetance.

She allows this process of rubber-rooming to continue, because it is, in effect, a no-show job at our expense.

Until the socialized-welfare mentality is replaced by performance and accountablitiy, our education system will never improve, and taxpayers will foot the bill for Weingarten’s negligence.

Greg Rando


The “rubber rooms,” which the UFT has long called Temporary Reassignment Centers, serve a purpose that sometimes may be abused.

Every case is different, but teachers, like all citizens, are entitled to due process.

All the union does is protect the dignity of the law.

Ron Isaac
Fresh Meadows